statamic / eloquent-driver

Provides support for storing your Statamic data in a database, rather than flat files.
MIT License
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cms database eloquent laravel statamic

Statamic Eloquent Driver

Provides support for storing your Statamic data in a database, rather than flat files.

Installation & Usage

You can install and configure the Eloquent Driver using a single command:

php please install:eloquent-driver

The command will install the statamic/eloquent-driver package, publish the config file, then prompt you to select which repositories you wish to move to the database. The command will then publish the relevant migrations and run php artisan migrate behind the scenes.

The command will also give you the opportunity to indicate whether you'd like existing data to be imported.

Importing flat-file content

If you originally opt-out of importing existing content, then later change your mind, you can import existing content by running the relevant commands:

Syncing Assets

If your assets are being driven by the Eloquent Driver and you're managing your assets outside of Statamic (eg. directly in the filesystem), you should run the php please eloquent:sync-assets command to add any missing files to the database, and remove files that no longer exist on the filesystem.

Exporting to flat files

If you wish to move back to flat-files, you may use the following commands to export your content out of the database:


The configuration file, found in config/statamic/eloquent-driver.php is automatically published when you install the Eloquent Driver.

For each of the repositories, it allows you to determine if they should be driven by flat-files (file) or Eloquent (eloquent). Some repositories also have additional options, like the ability to override the model used.

Mapping Entry data

If you want to map fields from your blueprints to columns with the same handle in your blueprint, set entries.map_data_to_columns to true. When adding new columns in a migration we recommend resaving all Entries so that column data is filled: Entry::all()->each->save().


After updating to a new version of the Eloquent Driver, please ensure you run php artisan migrate to update your database to the latest schema.


Can I store users in the database too?

By default, Statamic users live in the users directory of your project. If you wish to move them to the database, please follow this guide.

Can I store some collections in the database, while keeping others in flat-files?

This driver does not make it possible to have some collections flat-file driven and others Eloquent driven. If you're looking for that, you may want to checkout the Runway addon, which is part of The Rad Pack.