statdivlab / radEmu

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radEmu is an R package for estimating changes in the abundance of microbial taxa using amplicon or shotgun sequencing technologies.

If you are a microbial ecologist or bioinformatician, some of the things that you may like about radEmu include

If you are a statistician, some of the things that you may like about radEmu include

Sadly we do not yet have a logo nice-looking logo. If you would like to design us one, please let Amy know!


To download the radEmu package, use the code below.

# install.packages("devtools")

We are currently only releasing radEmu via GitHub. If you'd like us to consider submitting to CRAN, please let us know by opening an issue.


The vignettes demonstrate example usage of the main functions. Please file an issue if you have a request for a tutorial that is not currently included. The following code shows the easy-to-use syntax if your data is in a phyloseq object:

ch_fit <- emuFit(formula = ~ Group + Study + Gender + Sampling, 
                 Y = my_phyloseq_object) 

and if your abundances and covariates are in a dataframe, you can use the following:

all_fit <- emuFit(formula = ~ Group + Study + Gender + Sampling,
                  data = my_covariates_df, 
                  Y = my_abundances_df)


We additionally have a pkgdown website that contains pre-built versions of our function documentation and our vignettes (an introductory vignette, an introductory vignette that uses phyloseq data, a vignette for running radEmu tests in parallel for more efficient computation, and a vignette for running radEmu with clustered data).


If you use radEmu for your analysis, please cite our open-access preprint, available on arXiv.

David S Clausen and Amy D Willis. 2024+. "Estimating Fold Changes from Partially Observed Outcomes with Applications in Microbial Metagenomics."

Huge thanks to the NIGMS for funding this work through Amy's R35!

Bug Reports / Change Requests

If you encounter a bug or would like make a change request, please file it as an issue here.

If you're a developer, we would love to review your pull requests.


When we are not developing fast, robust and interpretable estimation methods, we enjoy making up silly names for our fast, robust and interpretable estimation methods. radEmu abbreviates radEmuAbPill, which denotes "using relative abundance data to estimate multiplicative differences in absolute abundances with partially identified log-linear models."