statebox / idris-stbx-core

Category theoretic semantics of glued open Petri nets in Idris
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category-theory core dependent-types idris literate-programming petrinet petrinets statebox

Statebox Core

Build Status

This repository contains the core of the Statebox platform, comprising:

The code is written in Idris, in terms of mathematical propositions and proofs of category theoretic constructs.

The code is written using literate Idris, which allows us to integrate documentation and code and export them both as an executable and as a human readable document.

Nix build

If you have Nix installed, you can do:


For additional targets, have a look at the instructions in default.nix.

Manual build


You'll need:

Generate documentation

Use make to generate the PDF documentation. You will find it in the docs directory. Look directly in the Makefile for additional options.

Elba Build


elba build

to build with elba.

If you have authentication problems, run

eval `ssh-agent`

before running elba

Running the Finite State Machine executable

Setup dependencies

This library depends on contrib, idris-ct (master branch), tparsec, optparse and typedefs-core (v0.1 release).

Install these libraries cloning them and then using idris --install [ipkg filename].ipkg.

Build this library


idris --build idris-stbx-core.ipkg

This will produce an executable file called fficat.

Run the executable

You need to pass three arguments to the executable:

For example, run

./fficat --tdef tdefs.txt --fsm fsm.txt -f login,addProduct,addProduct,checkout

Format of the Typedefs definitions

A sequence of Typedefs definitions, as provided for example in tdefs.txt

Format of finite state machine definition

This file contains the definition of a graph and is divided in two sections separated by a --- line.

The first section contains a description of the vertices of the graph, one per line. A vertex is described by a Nat index and a string which refers to a Typedef defined in the file described in the section above.

The second section contains a description of the edges of the graph, one per line. A vertex is described by the index of the origin vertex, the index of the target vertex and a string which refers to an Idris function which should be defined in the code.

Defining the functions used by the finite state machine

A complete and working example can be found at src/Computer/EcommerceExample.idr.

It needs to include:

label : Ty [] (unwrap TypeI) -> IO $ Ty [] (unwrap TypeJ)

where TypeI and TypeJ are the Typedefs associated to i and j respectively in the vertex section of the finite state machine definition.