stats4sd / Stats4SD-Resources-Site

Reposistory for the Stats4SD Resources Repository
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stats4sd Resources Sites

For specific information about the site or development please contact general installation information can be found below. If you wish to make a clone then please ensure the site is linked to a new firebase app.



Install polymer-cli:

npm install -g polymer-cli
# Using CLI
mkdir stats4sd
cd stats4sd
polymer init stats4sd

# Or cloning direct from GitHub
git clone
cd stats4sd
bower install

Start the development server

`polymer serve`

(of if you wish to use live-reload, install browser-sync globally and run custom start function)
`npm run start`

Build and deploy

Optional - update version number on stats4sd-home.html

Staging - default config npm run deploy

Production - used only on (defined in environment/setConfig.js) npm run deploy:prod

Run web-component-tester tests

polymer test

Note Build process currently has issue when minifying firebase components see issue #132

Current workaround includes additional imports in polymer.json to maintain automatic process, however this should be reviewed at a later date to help minimise file sizes. Build should be tested via $firebase serve command and if auth still fails files may still need to be copied from bower_components/firebase and bower_components/polymerfire

Build presets provide an easy way to define common build configurations in your polymer.json file. There are 2 build presets we put in polymer.json file in stats4sd:



Run the command to build the presets:

polymer build

Test the build

This command serves the es5-bundled build version of the app:

polymer serve build/es5-bundled

This command serves the es6-unbundled build version of the app:

polymer serve build/es6-unbundled

Preparing SSD-Elements for publishing

Currently ssd-elements exist in 2 formats, simple to import direct into projects and ready to publish and import via bower. In future if wish to publish need to

  1. change each element polymer import: $->
  2. override copy in the existing ssd-elements (bower publish version) folder
  3. change app import to be via bower component versions of ssd-elements (note, if running polymer lint will show up as error as paths won't resolve, this is fine and build should still work)

Dev links

Redux used to store global data: