status-im / community-dapp

Community directory curator dApp for Status
2 stars 5 forks source link


Community directory curator dApp for Status


Proposed api is available here

Running the project


  1. Install dependencies: Run yarn to install the necessary packages and dependencies.
  2. Run local anvil node: Run anvil
  3. Deploy contracts: Navigate to the packages/contracts directory and run:
    $ MNEMONIC=$YOUR_MNEMONIC forge script script/DeployContracts.s.sol --fork-url $YOUR_RPC_URL --broadcast


You can omit the --broadcast option to simulate the deployment before actually performing it.

  1. Start the app: Run VOTING_CONTRACT=hex_addr DIRECTORY_CONTRACT=hex_addr MULTICALL_CONTRACT=hex_addr TOKEN_CONTRACT=hex_addr FEATURED_VOTING_CONTRACT=hex_addr yarn dev to start the application. Make sure to replace hex_addr with the actual addresses of the contracts you deployed in step 3.

Once the app is run, connect to the wallet. NOTE: in 'production' mode it has to be Status wallet.