stden / maniana

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Maniana is an open source todo list app for Android. Its source code and issue tracking system are is hosted here and it is available on Google Play at


About This Repository

The repository contains two Eclipse projects:

Maniana an Android App project that is used to build Maniana.

ManianaTest an Android test project that is used to unit test portion of Maniana code (in the Maniana above project).

Typically the top of this repo is mapped as an Eclipse workspace directory such that Maniana and ManianaTest projects are top level directories in that eclipse workspace. Explaining how to set android SDK and eclipse or how to develope android apps is outside the scope of this document but feel free to send mean email (address above) if you encounter any problem.

For license information please read LICENSE.txt

Top Level Packages

Maniana jave source code code is under Maniana/src and it contains these top level packages

com.zapta.apps.maniana Maniana main package. This is also the package that identifies this android app globaly. this is a package that contains android SDK code that was modified for Maniana purposes (as of March 2012, ViewPager view). other packages contains third party source code that was incroperated into Maniana.

Key Maniana Packages

Following is a short description of key Maniana packages

com.zapta.apps.maniana.main Contains the main activity. This is the activity that contains the two pages. It also contains the AppContext class whose instance contains referenes to all the parts of the main activity.

com.zapta.apps.maniana.controller Contains the controller of the main activity (as in MVC). The controller class recives events in the form of method calls and it controls the model and the view.

com.zapta.apps.maniana.model Contains the model portion of the main activity. The model contains the task data. It is made of three levels, AppMode, PageModel and ItemModel (tasks are called 'items' in the source code).

com.zapta.apps.maniana.persistence Contains the persistence logic of the model. The model is persisted as a JASON file to the android internal storage of the app.

com.zapta.apps.maniana.view Contains the view portion of the main activity. The view represent the display of the main activity (pages, tasks, buttons, date, etc). The view reflects data changes made in the model and reports to the controller UI operations such as item drag and drop, button press, item menu selection, etc.

com.zapta.apps.maniana.preferences Contains the settings activity and the preferences logic.

com.zapta.apps.maniana.widget Contains the logic related to the home screen app widgets Provides access to various Android services.

com.zapta.apps.maniana.util Various utility classes.

com.zapta.apps.maniana.backup Interfaces with the Android backup services.

com.zapta.apps.maniana.editors Contains the item (task) editing activity Various logic related to the informative popups (help page, what's new, about page, etc)

com.zapta.apps.maniana.quick_action Implements the item popup menu.

Data Files

Note: for simplicity we refer below to Manina root directory in the android internal storate as $DROOT. On my phone, it is at /data/data/com.zapta.apps.maniana

$DRROT/shared_prefs/com.zapta.apps.maniana_preferences.xml A standard android prefernece file that persists the user preferences. These preferences corresponds to the keys in Maniana/res/xml/preferences.xml

$DROOT/files/maniana_data.json A JSON file with the persisted model data. This is the main data file of Maniana.

$DROOT/files/list_widgetimage?x?.png Bitmap files of list widgets of the corresponding size. They are used becuse android RemoteViews class does not allow to set custom fonts (e.g. cursive) in android home screen app widgets. These files are updated when the content of widgets changes.

$DROOT/databases/... Maniana does not use database explicitly. All data is store in files. These directory is manages by Android components used by Maniana (e.g. WebView view which is used to show help page and other popup informative messages).

User Action Sequence

TODO: describe here the handling of a typical user action from start to finish (e.g. setting an item as completed).