ste-dtst / nmpde-project

Project for the course Numerical Methods for PDEs, held in University of Pisa by prof. Luca Heltai in 2024.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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NMPDE Project

This project is based on Step 26 of the deal.II tutorial. It has been set up to work with the bare-dealii-app template by Luca Heltai (read below for further info). Instead of using Rothe's method, we will use the method of lines to solve the heat equation. The boundary conditions will be imposed via Nitsche's method. For the integration in time, we will rely on the ARKode package that is part of the SUNDIALS suite. Adaptive mesh refinement will be implemented via solution transfer.

The problem

We consider the heat equation $u_t(x,t) - \Delta u(x,t) = f(x,t)$, with initial condition $u_0(x)$ and boundary condition $g(x,t)$. The domain for the space variable $x$ is a hyper_L (2D and 3D case) or the interval $[-1,1]$ (1D case), while the time variable $t$ is in a given interval $[t_0,t_1]$. The user can customize $f$, $u_0$, $g$, $t_0$ and $t_1$ via a .prm file. If also the exact solution $u$ is provided, then the program will compute the $L^2$ error for the numerical solution. In particular, if you want to test a manufactured solution, you can find some examples in other_files/test_functions.txt or use the Jupyter Notebook other_files/manufactured_heat.ipynb to compute the correct $f$ automatically, given $u$.

The weak form we obtain by using Nitsche's method is the following:

$$ (u_t, v) + (\nabla u, \nabla v) - \langle \nabla u \cdot n,v \rangle - \langle u, \nabla v \cdot n \rangle + \gamma \langle u,v \rangle = (f,v) - \langle g, \nabla v \cdot n \rangle + \gamma \langle g,v \rangle $$

where $(\cdot,\cdot)$ is the inner product in $\Omega$, $\langle \cdot,\cdot \rangle$ the inner product in $\Gamma = \partial\Omega$ and $n$ is the normal to $\Gamma$.

If $u(x,t) = \sum U_i(t) \phi_i(x)$, this leads to solving the following ODE:

$$ M \mathbf{u}' = f_E(t,\mathbf{u}) + f_I(t,\mathbf{u}) $$

where $\mathbf{u}_i=U_i(t)$, $f_I(t,\mathbf{u}) = J \mathbf{u}$ and

$$ M_{ij}=(\phi_i,\phi_j) $$

$$ f_E(t,\mathbf{u})_i = (f(\cdot,t),\phi_i) + \gamma \langle g(\cdot,t),\phi_i \rangle - \langle g(\cdot,t),\nabla\phi_i \cdot n \rangle $$

$$ J_{ij} = -(\nabla\phi_i,\nabla\phi_j) + \langle \phi_i,\nabla\phi_j \cdot n \rangle + \langle \nabla\phi_i \cdot n,\phi_j \rangle - \gamma \langle \phi_i,\phi_j \rangle $$

In particular, it is clear that the matrices $M$ and $J$ are independent of time, therefore they need to be evaluated only one time (and re-evaluated only when the mesh is changed).

The .prm file can also be used to customize a variety of parameters for the ARKode solver, as well as $\gamma$, the finite element degree and the mesh refinement strategy.

Before you start

The program will look for the following directories to write its output and parameters:

Make sure to create them in advance in the folder where you will put the executables.

Also, in the code (at the moment, but may not be necessary) there is a if constexpr statement, which requires your compiler to support at least C++17.

Some tests without adaptive refinement - 1D case

Some key points:

N.B. The following values cannot be reproduced anymore after the commit that added the dummy solve_linearized_system function, however the results given by the program are practically the same.

Problem 0.1

Error at final time # ARKode steps Last stepsize
Default settings 0.0170169 239 0.00863937
Setting gamma = 20 0.0132823 466 0.00484964
Setting gamma = 50 0.0139199 1050 0.00105834
Setting initial_refinement = 5, gamma = 10 explodes
Setting initial_refinement = 5, gamma = 20 0.00312373 1691 0.000923625
Setting initial_refinement = 5, gamma = 50 0.000920902 2466 0.000917815
Setting initial_refinement = 5, gamma = 100 0.000897367 4588 0.00131488
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 10 explodes
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 20 5.68063e-06 835 0.00258205
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 50 1.38469e-05 2208 0.00139237

Problem 0.2

Error at final time # ARKode steps Last stepsize
Default settings 0.170158 223 0.00248579
Setting initial_refinement = 5, gamma = 100 0.00905921 4945 0.00399241
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 50 0.000385202 1712 0.00737413
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 100 2.36627e-05 3494 0.00128724

Problem 1.1

Error at final time # ARKode steps Last stepsize
Default settings 0.123111 186 0.0015718
Setting initial_refinement = 5, gamma = 100 0.00599535 3245 0.00176189
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 50 0.000131334 1316 0.00367727
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 100 1.33795e-05 2425 0.000766395

Some more tests - 2D case

I won't go in detail with every problem, but things work fine as in the 1D case.

Problem 0.1

Error at final time # ARKode steps Last stepsize
Default settings 0.00234015 2468 0.000828532
Setting initial_refinement = 4, gamma = 50 0.00048535 11691 0.000183677
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 100 0.000233709 11625 0.00023591

Problem 0.2

Error at final time # ARKode steps Last stepsize
Default settings 0.023201 4114 0.00289068
Setting initial_refinement = 4 0.00695336 9319 0.00150502
Setting initial_refinement = 4, gamma = 20 0.00732968 16709 0.0010305
Setting fe_degree = 2, gamma = 100 0.000197047 9555 0.00155699

Problem 2.2

Error at final time # ARKode steps Last stepsize
Default settings 0.00276523 2681 0.000738375
Setting initial_refinement = 4 0.000748613 3593 0.000250452
Setting initial_refinement = 4, gamma = 20 0.000763522 6609 0.000512176

The following screenshot is frame 100 with default settings:

Problem 2.2 visualization

The following one, instead, is frame 100 with initial_refinement = 4, gamma = 20:

Problem 2.2 visualization

A (sketchy) 3D test

The 3D case is a bit difficult to be tested, because raising the FE degree or the global refinement increases the degrees of freedom by a lot. At the moment I've studied problems 0.1 and 0.2. The solutions with default settings show some strange instability/flickering. Lowering the initial refinement to 2 seems to improve the situation, especially for problem 0.2. Is it just a matter of tweaking the parameters for better stability?

Problem 0.1, for example

Error at final time # ARKode steps Last stepsize
Default settings 0.00424171 990 0.00186179
Setting initial_refinement = 2 0.00827368 630 0.00262032

An example of flickering:

Problem 0.1 visualization (3D)

Some (brief) 2D tests with adaptive mesh refinement

This is a simulation of problem 2.1 with default settings, plus setting gamma = 20. The $L^2$ error at final time is 0.0118047.

Problem 2.1 visualization

This, instead, is a simulation of problem 2.3 with default settings, plus setting refinement_threshold = 0.05 and gamma = 20. The $L^2$ error at final time is 0.000421088.

Problem 2.3 visualization

Finally, a simulation of problem 2.4 with default settings, plus setting refinement_threshold = 0.1, refinement_bottom_fraction = 0.3 and gamma = 20. The $L^2$ error at final time is 0.000123987. It is interesting to compare this simulation to that of problem 2.3. In fact, when a solution tends to return to a flat state, we would like to have a coarser mesh. Hence we have to increase the refinement bottom fraction. Unfortunately, this clashes a bit with requiring the mesh to be finer when necessary, at least with the control on the parameters that we have so far.

Problem 2.4 visualization

ToDo list

About this template

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A bare deal.II application, with directory structure, a testsuite, and unittest block based on google tests.

This repository can be used to bootstrap your own deal.II application. The structure of the directory is the following:


The directories contain a minimal working application (identical to step-6, where implementations and declarations have been separated) to solve the Poisson problem on a square, a test directory that uses deal.II style testing, a test directory that uses google tests, and a doc directory, that contains a Doxyfile to use with doxygen.

The CMakeLists.txt will generate both some executables and two libraries containing all cc files except source/, one for Debug mode and one for Release mode. This library is linked to the running tests, so that you can make tests on your application just as you would do with the deal.II library.

Modify the TARGET variable in the CMakeLists.txt to your application name. Two libraries named ./tests/lib${TARGET}.so and ./tests/lib${TARGET} will be generated together with one executable per dimension, per build type, i.e., a total of six executables, and two libraries.

After you have compiled your application, you can run

make test



to start the testsuite.

Take a look at for more information on how to create tests and add categories of tests, and a look at for a quick setup of unit tests with google test.

Both .travis.yml and .gitlab-ci.yml files are provided that build the application and run the tests in the tests directory using ctest, in continuous integration, by running under docker with the image provided on dealii/dealii:master-focal.

Moreover, three github actions are provided to check indentation, build the documentation, and test the library from within github actions.

The documentation is built and deployed at each merge to master. You can find the latest documentation here:


See the file ./LICENSE for details