ste7en / ing-sw-2019-chiappalupi-formicola-iannucci

🕹 Software Engineering 1 Project - BSc Thesis
2 stars 1 forks source link

Prova Finale Ingegneria del Software 2019

Gruppo AM19

Functionality State
Basic rules :white_check_mark:
Complete rules :white_check_mark:
Socket :white_check_mark:
RMI :white_check_mark:
GUI :white_check_mark:
CLI :white_check_mark:
Multiple games :white_check_mark:
Persistence :white_check_mark:
Domination or Towers modes :x:
Terminator :x:

How to run

Running the Server

From the directory deliverables/JARS, you can run the application server with the command-line command

java -jar Server-AM19.jar [--socket=<socket-port-number>] 

If a configuration.json file exists in the same directory, CLI arguments will be overridden and the file will be used to setup the server. The structure of the JSON configuration file is as the following example:

 "socketPortNumber" : 3334,  
  "rmiPortNumber" : 4444,  
  "waitingRoomTimeout" : 30,  
  "operationTimeout" : 60  

This is also the config file that will be used in case no arguments (or less then expected) will be passed to the program.

Multiple games

The server can handle multiple games. In order to start more than one game, more than five users are needed to login and every waitingRoomTimeout seconds a new game is started.


At the end of every turn the server saves its state in Adrenaline_saved_state.bin and, if this file exists, the server will ask if a previous state has to be loaded or not.

Otherwise, the command --run-saved-state will restore the server regardless of the other parameters.

Running the Client - CLI

From the same directory of the server, you can run the CLI version of the client with the command-line command

java -jar Adrenaline-CLI-AM19.jar [ < --socket | --rmi > 
                                    < serverAddress> 
                                    < serverPort> ]

If no arguments are provided, at the startup a command-line prompt will ask the user for the connection type, server IP address and server port.

Running the Client - GUI

From the same directory of the server, you can run the GUI version of the client with the command-line command

java --module-path ./lib --add-modules javafx.controls -jar Adrenaline-GUI-AM19.jar

but JavaFX library folder is required in the same directory. Otherwise you can specify an absolute path to the --module-path argument instead of ./lib.