stealthly / f2k

File Loader to Kafka
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 2 forks source link

File Loader to Kafka

Enables you to mirror(download and upload) directory structure with all files or a single file uploaded to kafka from topic.

Instructions to assemble

./gradlew clean fatJar        

Once it's done, jar file is going to be available in build/libs/ directory

Instructions to setup environment

To launch Docker development enviornment


Once it's done you have kafka and zookeeper up and running at localhost on ports 9092 and 2181 respectively

Instructions to run in environment

To upload

java -jar build/libs/f2k-1.0.jar upload /path/to/dir/or/file/to/upload topicName localhost:9092 (false|true) (protobuf|avro)

To download

java -jar build/libs/f2k-1.0.jar download /path/to/dir/or/file/to/download topicName localhost:2181 (protobuf|avro)