steel-wheels / Arisia

The applications and frameworks for ArisiaPlatform
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Arisia Platform

Arisia Icon


The Arisia Platform is the software platform for the rapid application software development. The ArisiaCard is an implementation of it.

For rapid application development, the following matters are required:

This platform has following features to meet these requirements:

Sample screen shot

This is a simple example of ArisiaScript program.

  button: Button {
    title: string "Hello, world !!"
    pressed: event() %{
      console.log("Pressed") ;

There are sample screen shots which is executed on MacOS and iOS.


Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Steel Wheels Project. This software is distributed under GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1 and the document is distributed under GNU Free Documentation License.

Target system


The ArisiaCard application contains some sample applications to know what is Arisia application. But if you want to develop your custom Arisia application, you have to download the command line tools. See the installation page.



Programming Tips

Related links