stefan-lopez / focus_analyzer

A program to visually display EEG and eye-tracking data on a video
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Focus Analyzer


Project File Overview


You’ll need the following:

Getting Started

You will first have to watch a video and record your eye tracking and EEG data, reformatting to match my provided examples in the resources folder. Identify the max X and Y coordinates of your screen, as this will be referenced in the config file.

The commands below are for Windows and my Python alias is "python" but yours may be "python3", "py -3", etc.

Make sure you have the virtualenv package in your global Python environment.

python -m pip install virtualenv

Move this project to its own folder and setup a virtual environment inside of it.

python -m venv env

Activate your virtual environment.


Install the project's dependencies into your virtual environment.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Modify the configs/config.json file to adjust your settings and point to your relevant video and data files.

Run your program!
