stefankoegel / clickyEvaluation

Visual tool for stepwise evaluation of simple Haskell expressions
MIT License
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Clicky Evaluation

Build Status


Clicky Evaluation parses simple Haskell-like expressions and function definitions and renders them as HTML. The user can then choose which subexpressions to evaluate for one step by clicking on them. This is intended as a simple learning tool for beginners, which shows them how their Haskell code might be evaluated.

You can try it here.

The projects name is a play on lazy evaluation and clicking to evaluate an expression.

Supported Features

Missing Features


Install npm and purescript (at least 0.8.0). You can get purescript via cabal install purescript or npm install purescript. Then run:

npm install
npm run build

For the unit tests you can also run:

npm run test

After a successful build use:

<your_browser> html/index.html


You can build and host a specific version of ClickyEvaluation yourself by providing the following files on your webserver:

Or you can link to the most recent version here.