stefantaubert / tacotron

Command-line interface to train Tacotron 2 using .wav <=> .TextGrid pairs.
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link
linguistics speech speech-synthesis tts



Command-line interface (CLI) to train Tacotron 2 using .wav <=> .TextGrid pairs.



pip install tacotron-cli --user


Click to unfold usage ```txt usage: tacotron-cli [-h] [-v] {create-mels,train,continue-train,validate,synthesize,synthesize-grids,analyze,add-missing-symbols} ... Command-line interface (CLI) to train Tacotron 2 using .wav <=> .TextGrid pairs. positional arguments: {create-mels,train,continue-train,validate,synthesize,synthesize-grids,analyze,add-missing-symbols} description create-mels create mel-spectrograms from audio files train start training continue-train continue training from a checkpoint validate validate checkpoint(s) synthesize synthesize lines from a file synthesize-grids synthesize .TextGrid files analyze analyze checkpoint add-missing-symbols copy missing symbols from one checkpoint to another options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit ```


The dataset structure need to follow the generic format of speech-dataset-parser, i.e., each TextGrid need to contain a tier in which all phonemes are separated into single intervals, e.g., T|h|i|s| |i|s| |a| |t|e|x|t|..



To prepare a text for synthesis, following things need to be considered:

Example valid sentence: "As the overlying plate lifts up, it also forms mountain ranges." => ˈæ|z|SIL0|ð|ʌ|SIL0|ˌoʊ|v|ɝ|l|ˈaɪ|ɪ|ŋ|SIL0|p|l|ˈeɪ|t|SIL0|l|ˈɪ|f|t|s|SIL0|ˈʌ|p|,|SIL1|ɪ|t|SIL0|ˈɔ|l|s|oʊ|SIL0|f|ˈɔ|ɹ|m|z|SIL0|m|ˈaʊ|n|t|ʌ|n|SIL0|ɹ|ˈeɪ|n|d͡ʒ|ʌ|z|.|SIL2

Example invalid sentence: "Digestion is a vital process which involves the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body." => daɪˈʤɛsʧʌn ɪz ʌ ˈvaɪtʌl ˈpɹɑˌsɛs wɪʧ ɪnˈvɑlvz ðʌ ˈbɹeɪkˌdaʊn ʌv fud ˈɪntu ˈsmɔlɝ ænd ˈsmɔlɝ kʌmˈpoʊnʌnts, ʌnˈtɪl ðeɪ kæn bi ʌbˈzɔɹbd ænd ʌˈsɪmʌˌleɪtɪd ˈɪntu ðʌ ˈbɑdi.

Pretrained Models

Audio Example

"The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak." Listen here (headphones recommended)

Example Synthesis

To reproduce the audio example from above, you can use the following commands:

# Create example directory
mkdir ~/example

# Download pre-trained Tacotron model checkpoint
wget -O ~/example/

# Download pre-trained Waveglow model checkpoint
wget -O ~/example/

# Create text containing phonetic transcription of: "The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak."
cat > ~/example/text.txt << EOF

# Synthesize text to mel-spectrogram
tacotron-cli synthesize \
  ~/example/ \
  ~/example/text.txt \
  --sep "|"

# Install waveglow-cli for synthesis of mel-spectrograms
pip install waveglow-cli --user

# Synthesize mel-spectrogram to wav
waveglow-cli synthesize \
  ~/example/ \
  ~/example/text -o

# Resulting wav is written to: ~/example/text/1-1.npy.wav


Development setup

# update
sudo apt update
# install Python 3.8-3.11 for ensuring that tests can be run
sudo apt install python3-pip \
  python3.8 python3.8-dev python3.8-distutils python3.8-venv \
  python3.9 python3.9-dev python3.9-distutils python3.9-venv \
  python3.10 python3.10-dev python3.10-distutils python3.10-venv \
  python3.11 python3.11-dev python3.11-distutils python3.11-venv
# install pipenv for creation of virtual environments
python3.8 -m pip install pipenv --user

# check out repo
git clone
cd tacotron
# create virtual environment
python3.8 -m pipenv install --dev

Running the tests

# first install the tool like in "Development setup"
# then, navigate into the directory of the repo (if not already done)
cd tacotron
# activate environment
python3.8 -m pipenv shell
# run tests

Final lines of test result output:

py38: commands succeeded
py39: commands succeeded
py310: commands succeeded
py311: commands succeeded
congratulations :)


MIT License


Model code adapted from Nvidia.


Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 416228727 – CRC 1410


If you want to cite this repo, you can use the BibTeX-entry generated by GitHub (see About => Cite this repository).

Taubert, S. (2024). tacotron-cli (Version 0.0.5) [Computer software]. [](

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