stefanw / bibbot

BibBot is a browser extension that removes the paywall on German online news sites using your library account's access to press databases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support Firefox mobile #393

Open guerda opened 6 months ago

guerda commented 6 months ago

Since December 14, Firefox supports almost all add-ons from the desktop also on Mobile. 1

It would be great if BibBot would also be available on Firefox mobile, which is described here: 2

Current open web-ext lint tasks:

BenutzerEinsZweiDrei commented 5 months ago

Guess that will also solve

Th-o-mas commented 2 months ago

I am delighted with the extension for Firefox desktop. I would also like to be able to use the extension on Firefox mobile. Are there plans to support the mobile version in the future?

What is the current difficulty? Do Firefox bugs need to be fixed first?

Th-o-mas commented 1 month ago

@stefanw The questions to Firefox for Android from my previous post are still relevant. Do you have time to give a short answer?

stefanw commented 1 month ago

Apparently, there is a FF mobile bug that prevents BibBot from working correctly. There might be a work-around but that would impact all other users (making optional permissions required). Maybe a separate build might work, but that would also need to be distributed separately. I‘m sorry to report that I’m currently not invested in an Android version but will accept PRs.

Th-o-mas commented 1 month ago

Thank you Stefan for explaining the issue! Unfortunately I can't contribute code to solve the Firefox for Android bug. However, I (and others) could vote for the importance of the bug at Bugzilla and I could publish a post about it at Mozilla Connect. I would like to do that.

Is there an entry for the Firefox bug on Bugzilla? Can you give me the link or the number?

stefanw commented 1 month ago

Please see this comment:

Th-o-mas commented 1 month ago


Hi Stefan, my post was published on Mozilla Connect: The post points to the Firefox bug mentioned in #151 that prevents the use of the addon on Firefox for Android.

Anyone who is in favor of fixing the bug and wants to use the addon on Android can:

I hope that this way the bug will get more attention and maybe it will be fixed.

What do you think about linking the post in a prominent place? ( and

Th-o-mas commented 1 month ago


Someone has made a helpful post on Bugzilla pointing to changes already made :-) Would you like to take look?

Th-o-mas commented 2 weeks ago

@stefanw Hi Stefan, have you looked at the linked Bugzilla entry for the fixed bug? Could the addon now work under Firefox for Android?

stefanw commented 2 weeks ago

If you have an Android device, please try it out.

guerda commented 2 weeks ago

I tested out the extension and it partly works.

Instructions how to install

  1. Install Firefox beta (I think) on your Android device
  2. Download on your mobile the xpi file for bibbot via this URL:
  3. Go to settings -> about, then tap the firefox logo until debug menu is enabled
  4. Go back and select "Install extension from file"
  5. Select the xpi you downloaded in 2.


Test results

The settings menu is completely blank, so I cannot select my correct genios instance and configure the login credentials.


That's why I cannot see if the articles are loaded correctly.

In summary, this is a huge step and I thinks bibbot is on a good way.

Th-o-mas commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you very much Philip (@guerda) for your detailed contribution and the test! It's helpful to know how you proceeded and your test result! I followed your steps 1-5 on my Android phone and installed Firefox beta (128.0b3).

Test result

I can access the Bibbot settings when I open the menu item "Extensions" -> "Bibbot" in the browser. The extension settings open in a new tab. I can enter my access data. I can successfully access and read the article "Auf dem Rücken der Arbeiter und Armen" [1] on The test with a Spiegel article [2] also works!

The add-on works :-) That's great!

@guerda Would you like to do a second test?

Articles for testing



guerda commented 2 weeks ago

I noticed that as well (I had about 6 tabs with the settingsvopen and I didn't notice ). I tested it and it works!

One small thing: if the pay walled article is not the last tab, once bibbot replaces the content, the last tab (not the article) is opened. But that's just a minor nuisance

ck2510 commented 3 days ago

I was able to use the manually installed .xpi plugin using the same instructions with a standard / non-beta Firefox Mobile version 127.0.2.

BenutzerEinsZweiDrei commented 3 days ago

Klappt für mich auch mit der manuellen xpi installation und non beta firefox. Sobald man die bibliothek auswählt fragt er jetzt nach den optional permissions. Dadurch funktionieren Test Seiten.