stefanw / bibbot

BibBot is a browser extension that removes the paywall on German online news sites using your library account's access to press databases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
499 stars 78 forks source link


Official website


This uses rollup to build the extension files. Install and run like this:

npm install

# Run this during development
npm start

Extension overview

The extension has four different entry points:

These are the relevant players:

For details on how to construct any of these entities, have a look at src/types.ts

Additionally user data like credentials and chosen provider is stored via


There is a test setup for sites using Playwright that can be run with:

# install dependencies
npm ci
# Run linting and type checking
npm run lint
npm run check-types
# Always run build before tests, as test uses build files!
npm run build
# Run tests
npm run test
# Run tests with actual browser window for one domain
npm run test -- --headed -g ""

Add testing data to site objects like this:

// ...
  '': {
    examples: [
        url: '',
        selectors: {
          query: 'The string resulting from query selector'
    // optional setup async function
    testSetup: async (page) => {
        // page is playwright page
        // use this for initial page setup
// ...


  1. Run npm version <major|minor|patch>
  2. git push --tags origin main
  3. GitHub release Action will build, test, create release, sign Firefox extension, submit to Chrome Web Store and update website.