stefanw / bibbot

BibBot is a browser extension that removes the paywall on German online news sites using your library account's access to press databases.
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Hamburger Abendblatt funktioniert nicht mehr nach Relaunch #428

Closed SilkeBritz closed 5 months ago

SilkeBritz commented 5 months ago


Quelle: Hamburger Abendblatt - Hamburg vom 27.01.2024 Seite 23
Ressort: Kultur
Ausgabe: Hamburg
Dokumentnummer: 7A5829112F0B1818B493360E3C2F25B7_5507165
stefanw commented 5 months ago

Latest version 0.35.0 fixes However, this specific article cannot be found due to differences in wording between online article and database.

SilkeBritz commented 5 months ago

Version 0.35

stefanw commented 5 months ago

0.35 for chrome is available. If you another issue with Safari, please open a new issue.