stefanw / bibbot

BibBot is a browser extension that removes the paywall on German online news sites using your library account's access to press databases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
499 stars 78 forks source link

Safari version doesn't work reliable #438

Closed 343max closed 4 months ago

343max commented 4 months ago

Because the Safari app doesn't seem to be properly signed I need to allow unsigned extensions in the Safari Developer Settings and then enable the bibbot extension and then login again every time I restart Safari, which makes the extension bearly usable in Safari.

I can offer my help to setup the deployment process and while on it I could also help bringing the extension to Safari for iOS.

stefanw commented 4 months ago

My understanding is that you can only sign the extension via the App Store but BibBot has been rejected by the App Store. Is that correct?

343max commented 4 months ago

I see. I wasn't aware the extension got rejected. sigh