stefanw / bibbot

BibBot is a browser extension that removes the paywall on German online news sites using your library account's access to press databases.
GNU General Public License v3.0
498 stars 78 forks source link falsche Artikel Ersetzung #447

Open BreiteSeite opened 3 months ago

BreiteSeite commented 3 months ago


wird ersetzt durch:

sollte aber ersetzt werden durch:

Die eigentlichen Artikel hab ich gefunden indem ich "Bei dem Terroranschlag in Moskau starben 137 Menschen" bei genios gesucht habe (falls das hilft).

eengnr commented 3 months ago

Putting the '.leading-loose' first in could fix this. But in this special case it's also necessary to slice here from 2 to 10 instead of 15: Otherwise the correct article is not found, because one word is different.

Perhaps it's worth a try, I also had issues with articles on SpOn which were not mapped correctly. Preferring the '.leading-loose' could lead to better results.

If necessary I could provide a PR.

Paul0k commented 1 month ago

Could you please provide a PR or do you got another hint? I'm trying to fix it. I found the right line of code. But all my "fixes" aren't working.

stefanw commented 1 month ago

The selector query func utils now allow for custom slice ranges if that helps.