stefanw / bibbot

BibBot is a browser extension that removes the paywall on German online news sites using your library account's access to press databases.
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PoC for ID based Genios search #472

Open Pfaufisch opened 1 week ago

Pfaufisch commented 1 week ago

This isn't really a PR (yet?), but more of a suggestion. I'm not really cofident with TS, so – if this sparks interest, feel free to take over and/or close this.

This is an attempt to improve matching of articles in Genios ( #447). Where possible, it uses unique document IDs to find matching articles in Genios.

This approach works quite reliable for,,, (some parts of?) – and potentially more, I didn't investigate further. A useful approach is to start with the "Dokumentnummer" from Genios and try to find that on the (matching) article page.