steffan-westcott / clj-otel

An idiomatic Clojure API for adding telemetry to your libraries and applications using OpenTelemetry.
Apache License 2.0
183 stars 12 forks source link
clojure distributed-tracing instrumentation metrics observability opentelemetry tracing

= clj-otel :icons: font ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :information_source: :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[]

image:[Clojars,link=] ifndef::env-cljdoc[] image:[cljdoc,link=] endif::[] image:[changelog,link=CHANGELOG.adoc] image:[License] image:[Slack channel,link=]

clj-otel provides a small idiomatic Clojure API for adding telemetry to your libraries and applications using[*OpenTelemetry], an emerging standard for telemetry in cloud-native software, enabling effective observability*.

.A distributed trace displayed in[Honeycomb] image::doc/images/honeycomb-trace.png[Distributed trace displayed in Honeycomb,width=600,link="doc/images/honeycomb-trace.png?raw=true"]

.Metrics for an HTTP server route displayed on a[Grafana] dashboard image::doc/images/grafana-dashboard.png[Metrics displayed in Grafana,width=600,link="doc/images/grafana-dashboard.png?raw=true"]

== Requirements

clj-otel is tested with Clojure 1.11.1 and is based on the reference[OpenTelemetry for Java] implementation, which supports Java 8 and higher.

== Quickstart

clj-otel is highly configurable and may be used in many ways. This quickstart briefly outlines getting started in a local environment. Find more in-depth information on clj-otel in the xref:_documentation[documentation] and xref:_examples[examples].

(instrument/add! set-password-failure-count {:value 1 :attributes {:reason :too-short}})

NOTE: For demonstration configurations that export traces and metrics telemetry, see the xref:_examples[examples].

[#_documentation] == Documentation

[#_examples] == Examples

Find complete example applications in the examples directory. The examples aim to show:

See more xref:doc/examples.adoc[information on configuring and running the examples].

== Project status


== Changelog

See xref:CHANGELOG.adoc[changelog]

== Contributing & contact

The most needed contribution is experience reports of clj-otel use in production systems. I am keen to hear of usages of clj-otel and any problems and successes. clj-otel is a very young project, so now is an ideal time to provide feedback on the API design as improvements can be made freely.

I will be happy to consider pull requests for minor changes, but I may not accept more significant changes while I make a start on some items in the TODO list.

For questions or feedback on clj-otel, contact me on the[`#clj-otel] channel in[Clojurians Slack], usersteffan`.

== Development

=== Requirements

To develop clj-otel, you should first install the following tools:

=== Developing

== Acknowledgements

I want to thank:

== License

Copyright © 2021-2024 Steffan Westcott + Distributed under the[Apache License v2.0]