stefonarch / LXQt-Wayland-files

LXQt implementation in Wayland compositors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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LXQt Desktop under Wayland

General files and dotfiles for a LXQt Wayland session. LXQt 2.0 has native wayland support in all its elements now but some features are not ready yet.



For more details and workarounds see lxqt-panel page.

Starting LXQt Session

Notes and News



For kwin_wayland the setting is loginctl lock-session.

Screenshots and Annotations

Labwc (stacking)

Screenshot labwc

See: lxqt-labwc-session.

Kwin_wayland (stacking)

Screenshot kwin_wayland

See lxqt-kwin-session.

Wayfire (stacking)

Basic settings in wayfire.ini:

autostart_wf_shell = false
background = swaybg -i /usr/share/lxqt/wallpapers/origami-dark.png
lxqt_session = lxqt-session && killall wayfire

command_launcher = lxqt-runner
binding_launcher = <alt> KEY_SPACE

Exists a configation GUI tool WCM (wayfire configuration manager). In wayfire 0.8.1 lxqt-runner doesn't get focus automatically.

Sway (tiling)

Basic Settings:

exec lxqt-session && sway exit

for_window [app_id="^lxqt-.*$"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="^lxqt-.*$"] floating enable

bindsym alt+space exec lxqt-runner

In sway 1.9 lxqt-runner and qterminal's dropdown don't get keyboard focus automatically.

Hyprland (tiling)

Screenshot Hyprland

Basic settings needed in hyprland.conf:


env = XDG_MENU_PREFIX,lxqt-
env = XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP,LXQt:Hyprland:wlroots

exec-once=lxqt-session && hyprctl dispatch exit

windowrule = float,^(lxqt-.*)$
windowrule = float,^(pavucontrol-qt)$
windowrule = float,^(sddm-conf)$
windowrule = float,^(pcmanfm-qt)$
windowrule = float,copyq

3rd party tools

Tipps and Tricks

gesture: swipe left 3   wtype  -M ctrl -M alt -P right
gesture: swipe right 3 wtype  -M ctrl -M alt -P left

Using Sway swaymsgcan be used:

gesture: swipe left 3   swaymsg -t command workspace next_on_output
gesture: swipe right 3  swaymsg -t command workspace prev_on_output

Add libinput-gestures-setup start to autostart.

In autostart:

swayidle before-sleep swaylock timeout 300 'feh -rzsZFD 8 --draw-exif --draw-tinted ~/path/to/folder' resume 'killall feh'

    <keybind key="W-k">
      <action name="Execute" command="pcmanfm-qt '/usr/share/applications/org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop'" />
Exec=bash -c "featherpad %U && wlrctl window focus featherpad"

If images and video do not open: unset "animation" and eventually "opengl" in Preferences > Advanced.