Welcome to the Steinberg MIDI Remote API.
This document will guide you through the steps of writing a MIDI Remote API Script for a specific MIDI Controller Hardware.
NOTE: Scripts are written in the ES5 version of JavaScript
Make a fork of steinbergmedia/midiremote-userscripts
Rename your existing …/Driver Scripts/Local folder to something else (like Local_backup)
Create a new empty folder Local to replace it
Clone your forked repository inside the newly created empty Local folder
Copy your existing scripts from within the Local_backup folder into the Local folder
Still use the parent folder of Local, the Drive Scripts folder, as the workspace folder in Visual Studio Code
Make commits/pushes to your forked repo
Make pull requests to the upstream repo (steinbergmedia/midiremote-userscripts)
And don't forget to regulary do “fetch and merge” from the upstream repo (steinbergmedia/midiremote-userscripts) to stay in sync.
The MIDI Remote API Script acts as a mediator between a Hardware Controller and Cubase / Nuendo
The MIDI Remote API Script emulates the hardware surface. This improves usability and recognizability.
Driver Setup
Surface Layout
Host Mapping
The following image illustrates that:
Make sure the folder of the Visual Studio Code executable is added to the PATH environment variable.
Make sure you have the newest Cubase / Nuendo installed.
Start Cubase / Nuendo.
Create a project with audio and/or instrument tracks.
Open the Remote tab in the lower zone.
Mac: /Users/<Username>/Documents/Steinberg/<Cubase or Nuendo>/MIDI Remote/Driver Scripts
Windows: C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\Steinberg\<Cubase or Nuendo>\MIDI Remote\Driver Scripts
Open a console (win: cmd, mac: terminal) and go to the MIDI Remote Driver Scripts folder.
Open Visual Studio Code from the command line like this:
code .
The MIDI Remote API Script file follows the structure:
<Driver Scripts Folder>/<Local or Public>/<vendor>/<device>/<vendor>_<device>.js
<Driver Scripts Folder>/Local/Nektar/Impact_LX49Plus/Nektar_Impact_LX49Plus.js
Connect your MIDI hardware controller.
Open script console.
The Script Console appears like this:
After modifying the script file press the 'Reload Scripts' button.