stelo-labs / stelo-extension

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Stelo allows you to explore the frontier of web3 with confidence that you won't get phished.

Read more about Stelo and download the latest version from the Chrome Webstore on

Stelo examples

How it works

Stelo sits in between websites and extension based wallets (like MetaMask) to interpret and enrich transactions with relevant onchain and offchain data.

Technically, Stelo is able to inject into the transaction flow by wrapping the window.ethereum object that is inserted into the page and called by extension based wallets.

The relevant code for this process is in this file and extracted below.

export class RPCProviderFacade {
  constructor() {
    if (window.ethereum) {
      log("wrapping window.ethereum");
      if (!!window.ethereum?.providers?.length) {
    } else {
      log("adding ethereum#initialized event listener ");
      window.addEventListener("ethereum#initialized", () => {
        log("ethereum#initialized: wrapping window.ethereum");

Stelo does not modify the request as long as the user accepts the request in Stelo.

async waitForDecision(request: EthersRequest) {
    const rpcRequestId = uuidv4();
    const event = new CustomEvent("STELO", {
      detail: {
        userAddress: window.ethereum.selectedAddress,
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
      window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
        if (
 === "stelo" &&
 === rpcRequestId
        ) {

            ? res(undefined)
            : rej({ message: "User Rejected Tx in Stelo" });

Download latest build

If you'd like to install Stelo locally instead of from the Chrome store you can download the latest release build here.

Note that you will not receive updates that may contain crucial security improvements.

Adding to Chrome

Building Locally

If you'd like to build Stelo yourself you can do so as well.

Note that you will not receive updates that may contain crucial security improvements.


Creating a Local Build