A gnome shell extension dimming background / non-focused windows. The brightness and saturation of background windows can be tweaked in the extension preferences.
This extension has been tested on:
This extension shouldn't conflict with any other extension. It simply adds an effect - a GLSL fragment shader - to alter the brightness and saturation of background windows. It reacts on window creation and focus events as well as when the overview is shown or hidden. It doesn't do anything outside of those events.
Maximized windows don't get the dimming effect if a window on a different monitor gets the focus. There is currently no known fix for this problem.
I found this one, which seems old and not maintained anymore (but might still work on older Gnome versions):
To install the extension, visit its page on the official Gnome Extensions page:
To install the latest development version of the extension manually, one can download the zip file available above and execute:
gnome-extensions install dim-background-windows@stephane-13.github.com.shell-extension.zip
Please note that the latest code in this repository might be pending validation on extensions.gnome.org, which has the latest stable version. The code in the main branch is considered stable, but not yet ready for production until it's been validated by extensions.gnome.org.
To package the extension locally - for example to test a code patch - clone this git repository and execute:
gnome-extensions pack .
This will generate the zip file above, which can then be installed (use the --force flag if a previous version of the extension is already installed). Logout / login is usually required to see the code changes effect.
This software comes with no license. Use at your own risk. Reuse / modify / distribute it without any restriction.