stephen-downs / climatetrace

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Development Setup

This setup uses twig.js for templating. More info on twig.js templating can be found here. twig.js JSON data is stored in data.json.

Folder Structure

The src folder contains scss, js, and media files and they will compile to dist. The dist folder will contain compiled html, js and css.


Webpack is used to compile JS and SCSS, html, images and twig.js templates. The configs are located in the root. If you edit the config, please ensure output remains in the same paths for the production deployment. Upon commit, the production task will be run and will compile the project to the dist folder.

Media Files

Images and videos stored in the repository for the project must be placed in src/media/. On your local setup, they will show up using ./media/FILENAME.EXT. (please remember the ./) On production, these images will be compressed and output to dist/media.

Inline SVGs

You can make an svg render inline in the template by using this markup when adding it. The class will be pass along to the svg and it will be minified.


This will render like so:

<svg class="svg-circle" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
    <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="#ff0" stroke="green" stroke-width="4"></circle>

Local Server

You can use a local server to view changes in your project. BrowserSync is set up to view pages on your local server without refreshing manually.

gulp watch


The version number in package.json is incremented on the 3rd digit on every push. ex.(1.0.x) The version number can be updated manually with the gulp --release command.

Mobile Local Testing

For Local testing on a mobile device, get your local ip address and access port 3000 eg.