stephenh / mirror

A tool for real-time, two-way sync for remote (e.g. desktop/laptop) development
Apache License 2.0
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Files are repeatedly transferred #23

Closed fezzzza closed 5 years ago

fezzzza commented 5 years ago

Every time a "mirror client" command is run, it seems that a large number - presumably all files "visible" to mirror (see #22) are transferred one way or another from server to client, updating the ctime on the files.

for example, on the server:

root@www-1:/var/www/html/edge/i/flags# ls -al Finland.png 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3036 Oct 27 21:38 Finland.png
root@www-1:/var/www/html/edge/i/flags# stat Finland.png 
  File: Finland.png
  Size: 3036        Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 801h/2049d  Inode: 308285      Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Access: 2018-10-27 22:44:48.945791967 +0100
Modify: 2018-10-27 21:38:38.372526215 +0100
Change: 2018-10-27 21:38:38.372526215 +0100
 Birth: -

whereas on the client:

me@devBox:/var/www/html/edge/i/flags$ ls -al Finland.png 
-rw-r--r-- 1 ferenc ferenc 3036 Oct 27 21:38 Finland.png
me@devBox:/var/www/html/edge/i/flags$ stat Finland.png 
  File: Finland.png
  Size: 3036        Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 805h/2053d  Inode: 1835299     Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 1000/  ferenc)   Gid: ( 1000/  ferenc)
Access: 2018-10-27 21:38:38.372000000 +0100
Modify: 2018-10-27 21:38:38.372000000 +0100
Change: 2018-10-28 16:48:06.759671332 +0000
 Birth: -

I don't know what the basis is for your file comparison, but surely this can be avoided by using mtime as a point of comparison and writing a synchronised mtime at the same time as writing the file, or even just updating the mtime on the file after the write?

I rely on the mtime to see the latest files I am working on, and don't really want the mtime interfered with by any external process.

I am running linux mint 19(~ubuntu 18 bionic) without watchman installed (see #20)

stephenh commented 5 years ago

mtime is what is used for comparison, and if mtime is different, the latest mtime wins, and then the opposite side has the file written + mtime set to match, exactly as you're reasoning about:

Modify: 2018-10-27 21:38:38.372526215 +0100
Modify: 2018-10-27 21:38:38.372000000 +0100

I did have a bug where Java (or maybe even POSIX I forget) could only set mtime with a resolution of milliseconds or what not. So the two sides would always look out of sync, because the "set mtime to X" was always nanoseconds/whatever off.

Here is the commit that fixed that:

I wonder if you're seeing some variation of that.

mirror client has a --debug-prefixes option that if you include one of the file paths that is doing this, it should output some hopefully useful information about why it was decided it needs synced.

fezzzza commented 5 years ago

Here's the relevant portion of the client log just for that file:

2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png gitIgnored=false, extraIncluded=false, extraExcluded=false
2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png isRemoteNewer
2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO    l: null
2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO    r: modTime: 1540672718372 data: "\357\277\275PNG\r\n\032\n\000\000\000\rIHDR\000\000\000\024\000\000\000\f\b\002\000\000\000\357\277\275n\n\357\277\275\000\000\000\tpHYs\000\000-\357\277\275\000\000..."
2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO  Remote update edge/.../Finland.png

and on the server:

2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png gitIgnored=false, extraIncluded=false, extraExcluded=false
2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png isLocalNewer
2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO    l: modTime: 1540672718372 local: true
2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO    r: null
2018-10-29 22:46:37 INFO  Sending edge/.../Finland.png

then I installed watchman on the client and updated the client to v1.2.1 and:

2018-10-29 23:13:26 INFO  Queueing: path: "edge/i/flags/Finland.png" modTime: 1540672718372 local: true
2018-10-29 23:13:29 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png gitIgnored=false, extraIncluded=false, extraExcluded=false
2018-10-29 23:13:51 INFO  Queueing: path: "edge/i/flags/Finland.png" modTime: 1540672718372 local: true
2018-10-29 23:13:53 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png gitIgnored=false, extraIncluded=false, extraExcluded=false
2018-10-29 23:14:01 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png isLocalNewer
2018-10-29 23:14:01 INFO    l: modTime: 1540672718372 local: true
2018-10-29 23:14:01 INFO    r: null
2018-10-29 23:14:28 INFO  Sending edge/.../Finland.png

still the file is transferred

then installing watchman and updating the executable on the server to v1.2.1: server side with 1.2.1 + watchman:

2018-10-30 00:51:41 INFO  Queueing: path: "edge/i/flags/Finland.png" modTime: 1540672718372 local: true
2018-10-30 00:51:43 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png gitIgnored=false, extraIncluded=false, extraExcluded=false

client side:

2018-10-30 00:51:11 INFO  Queueing: path: "edge/i/flags/Finland.png" modTime: 1540672718372 local: true
2018-10-30 00:51:13 INFO  edge/i/flags/Finland.png gitIgnored=false, extraIncluded=false, extraExcluded=false

So now nothing seems to be transferred. I think that's a pretty compelling argument for installing watchman!

fezzzza commented 5 years ago

Oddly, one file bounced quickly back-and-forth between the servers when I changed the file contents and saved it:

client side:

2018-10-30 01:24:58 INFO  Client has 2314 paths
2018-10-30 01:25:15 INFO  Server has 2315 paths
2018-10-30 01:25:15 INFO  Tree populated
2018-10-30 01:26:33 INFO  Queueing: path: "dev/panic_fw.php" modTime: 1540862793272 local: true
2018-10-30 01:26:33 INFO  dev/panic_framework.php isLocalNewer
2018-10-30 01:26:33 INFO    l: modTime: 1540862793272 local: true
2018-10-30 01:26:33 INFO    r: modTime: 1540862407222 data: "initialSyncMarker" local: true
2018-10-30 01:26:33 INFO  Sending dev/panic_fw.php
2018-10-30 01:26:36 INFO  dev/panic_framework.php isRemoteNewer
2018-10-30 01:26:36 INFO    l: modTime: 1540862793272 local: true
2018-10-30 01:26:36 INFO    r: modTime: 1540862795427 data: "<?php\n/**\n ...  * \n..."
2018-10-30 01:26:36 INFO  Remote update dev/panic_fw.php
2018-10-30 01:26:36 INFO  Queueing: path: "dev/panic_fw.php" modTime: 1540862795427 local: true

server side:

2018-10-30 01:25:14 INFO  Server has 2315 paths
2018-10-30 01:25:14 INFO  Client has 2314 paths
2018-10-30 01:25:14 INFO  Tree populated
2018-10-30 01:25:15 INFO  Sending dev/scripts
2018-10-30 01:26:34 INFO  Remote update dev/panic_fw.php
2018-10-30 01:26:36 INFO  Sending dev/panic_fw.php
2018-10-30 01:26:38 INFO  Remote update dev/panic_fw.php

...though this has only happened once and it has not recurred during my very short test. Much seems to be working as it should.

stephenh commented 5 years ago
2018-10-29 23:14:01 INFO    r: null

Those r: nulls insinuates the client (l) thought the server (r) didn't have the file, so that is why it sent it...

Maybe this ties in with your other bug where, for some reason the Java/non-watchman codepath is just blithely ignoring/not finding files, so then they either don't sync or resync or what not.

Sounds like I should just hard-delete the Java watcher. I've only used the watchman-based codepaths for ~years now so really don't know how well the Java-only one does/does not work...

stephenh commented 5 years ago

@fezzzza it sounds like everything is working with watchman? I'm tempted to rename this issue to "delete the non-watchman code and only support watchman"; and then also close #21 and #22 as dups of "also quirks from the java watcher impl". Does that sound good?

stephenh commented 5 years ago

Pre-emptively closing with the plan to "fix" via #25.