stephenh / mirror

A tool for real-time, two-way sync for remote (e.g. desktop/laptop) development
Apache License 2.0
391 stars 37 forks source link
grpc grpc-java java

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Primary Workflow

Mirror is built to support a two-machine (e.g. desktop+laptop) development workflow where you want to run a command line compile/build process on a powerful/dedicated desktop, but still edit files remotely on a laptop.

This is fairly common (see "Comparison to Existing Options" section below), but what makes Mirror unique is that it is two-way: it simultaneously syncs both laptop-to-desktop as well as desktop-to-laptop, in real time.

For my personal use case, this is to facilitate using an IDE on the laptop (e.g. for code completion, navigation, etc.), and IDEs often need local access to the binary artifacts (or build time-generated source code) from the desktop-hosted build process, e.g.:

Granted, the IDE will also do local compilation of projectA/, so ideally the IDE could use in-workspace references, where the IDE-compiled projectA/ is already/immediately on the IDE classpath for projectB. If you can setup your projects this way (e.g. with m2e or IvyDE), that is generally preferable.

However, for larger/more complex projects, e.g. those with various pre-/post-compilation code generation steps (that are often only performed in the CLI build), the IDE just can't reproduce the build process closely enough to fully compile projectA on it's own, and so using CLI-provided projectX-snapshot.jar artifacts is the only way to do local cross-project imports.

This scenario (local edits + remotely-built cross-project artifacts) is what Mirror addresses.



Comparison to Existing Options

I looked at several sync options before starting mirror, but didn't find anything that quite fit:


To use the latest release/pre-built jars:

This will sync the $HOME/code directory on your two machines.

(Note: for Arch Linux users, AUR has the mirror-sync and mirror-sync-git packages.)


By default, mirror will not sync any files in your .gitignore files.

However, you can also configure mirror with extra includes or excludes in addition to the .gitignore, e.g. if for some reason you want to not sync files that are not ignored, or sync files that are actually ignored (e.g. certain build artifacts).

Extra includes and excludes patterns can be passed when starting the client, and follow the .gitignore format, e.g.:

./mirror client --include '*-SNAPSHOT.jar` --include '.classpath' --include '.project' --exclude `build/`

If you'd like mirror to completely ignore your .gitignore files, i.e. to sync everything, you can use --include '*'.

(There is also a --use-internal-patterns that has useful defaults if you work at the same place I do.)


Options for both the client and server commands are available by running:

`./mirror help client`


`./mirror help server`

For example, the client supports --debug-all and --debug-prefixes command line parameters to output debug info for all or subsets of the paths (setting these parameters on the client session will pass them to the client's server session, so that the server will use those options for its own session with that specific client).

Git Usage Note

(Update February 2020: Lately I have been ignoring this advice and passing -i .git to have both sides sync their .git metadata so that staging/index/etc. status is all shared, and it's been working out really well so far.)

In general, mirror will work best if you have just one machine (either the desktop or laptop) have the git (or svn/other SCM) working copy (or working copies if you're syncing a directory like ~/code with multiple repositories), and have the non-git machine just get all of it's files via mirror from git-using machine, and not by also having it's own git working copy.

The reason is that if you had git working copies on both the laptop and desktop, you could run into:

  1. Desktop: git checkout master
  2. Laptop: git checkout master
  3. Run mirror, everything syncs fine, because they're on the same branch
  4. On the laptop, run git checkout feature_a
  5. mirror copies all the files changes on the laptop (basically all feature_a's changes) to the server
  6. Now the server git directory thinks it's still on master, but we've written the feature_a files to it

Basically, mirror makes no attempts to keep your two git working copies on the same branch, and instead just naively copies files back/forth.

So, instead, it works better if you only ever run git commands on the desktop, and so any branch changes happen there, and then the laptop just follows/copies where ever the server is at.

The downside of this approach is that you can't use git log, git blame, etc. on the laptop. But the upshot is that's pretty simple, and makes it harder/less likely to accidentally nuke code by either knowingly or unknowingly getting the two machines on different branches, and then having one overwrite the other.

System Watch Limits

Note that if you have a lot of directories, you might have to increase the native file system limits, e.g.

Watchman Config

If you have an extremely large number of files that you don't want to sync, .gitignore may not be enough, because mirror and the underlying Watchman tool will still initially load those files into memory, even to decide "oh right, don't sync them".

To have Mirror and watchman fundamentally ignore things, you can create a .watchmanconfig file with the ignore_dirs property set.

See the watchman config.

Syncing More than Two Machines

Although not an initial design goal, due to it's approach, mirror also supports a hub and spoke model of syncing more than two machines.

E.g. you could have:

  1. Desktop runs the mirror server process (you don't need to start multiple mirror server processes)
  2. Laptop 1 connects to the desktop and syncs it's ~/code to the desktop's ~/code
  3. Laptop 2 also connects to the desktop and syncs it's ~/code to the desktop's ~/code

Now all three machines will be kept in sync.

Syncing Jar Caches

If you're running most build commands on your desktop, but the IDE on your laptop, your .classpath/etc. files will likely have references to downloaded jars, e.g. in the Maven cache or Gradle cache directories.

Since these files are cached and so don't change, and aren't created very often (only when dependencies are updated), I currently sync these jar caches as needed with a shell script:

rsync -azP ~/.ivy2/sbt/
rsync -azP ~/.gradle/caches/

In theory mirror could keep these in sync as well, either by just running ~2-3 more invocations of the mirror client, but it would also be nice to pass in multiple sync directories in a single mirror command invocation, e.g.:

mirror \
  --sync ./.ivy2/sbt:./.ivy2/sbt \
  --sync ./.gradle/caches:./.gradle/caches \
  --sync ./code:./code

But currently mirror only supports a single remote/local sync at a time.

Secure Communication

mirror currently uses plain text for its communication protocol, as the primary use case is syncing a desktop/laptop that are on an assumed-secure internal network or VPN connection.

The underlying RPC framework, GRPC, supports TLS communication, but mirror currently does not leverage that.

If you need secure communication, e.g. are syncing across the open Internet with sensitive data, you can use SSH tunneling, e.g.:

This will have the mirror client send traffic to the localhost:49172 port, which SSH will securely tunnel to your remote host.

Running with Docker

A docker image is available at

Since the container will have its own filesystem separate from the host's filesystem, usually you'll want to mount some directory into the container to make it available for synchronisation. To mount the current working directory as /data into the container, pass -v $(pwd):/data to docker.

By default docker runs processes as root, which results in all written files owned by root on the host system. To run the process as your current user, pass -u $(id -u):$(id -g) to docker.

To start a mirror server available on port 49172, with the current working directory mounted at /data run:

docker run --rm --init -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/data -p 49172:49172 \ server

To start a mirror client with the current working directory mounted at /data (and syncing the local /data with the remote /data) run:

docker run --rm --init -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/data \ client \
  --local-root /data \
  --remote-root /data \
  --host <SERVER-HOST>


If you want to hack on mirror locally, you should be able to:

If you want to use your locally-built jar on your remote host, you'll need to scp the new mirror-all.jar to your remote host (in the same directory as the mirror script, which will then use your new mirror-all.jar instead of the previously-downloaded version.)
