stephenh / mirror

A tool for real-time, two-way sync for remote (e.g. desktop/laptop) development
Apache License 2.0
391 stars 37 forks source link

Support running on Windows #43

Open Bouke opened 4 years ago

Bouke commented 4 years ago

This tool looks like something that could be useful to me. I'm mostly developing on my Mac, however the build runs on Windows (VM). I'd like to mirror two folders, as the virtual network share just is too damn slow.

I can't get it to startup, and I'm unsure where to take it from here. watchman.exe is in the same folder as where I'm running this command from.

> java -version
java version "1.8.0_231"
> java -cp mirror-all.jar mirror.Mirror server
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: The operation completed successfully.

        at jnr.ffi.provider.jffi.AsmRuntime.newUnsatisifiedLinkError(
        at jnr.posix.WindowsLibC$jnr$ffi$0.getrlimit(Unknown Source)
        at jnr.posix.BaseNativePOSIX.getrlimit(
        at jnr.posix.BaseNativePOSIX.getrlimit(
        at mirror.SystemChecks.checkFileDescriptorLimit(
        at mirror.SystemChecks.checkLimits(
        at mirror.Mirror$
        at mirror.Mirror.main(
stephenh commented 4 years ago

Hi @Bouke, yeah unfortunately I've only personally needed to support Linux and so haven't investigated Windows support. I'd be happy to accept PRs though!

Bessonov commented 4 years ago

I'm not windows user, but did you tried wsl (maybe with docker image) to run mirror?

stephenh commented 4 years ago

@Bessonov that's interesting, but no I haven't tried that. I don't have any Windows machines available and could probably find a virtualbox / something to run, but haven't really been that curious about it.

razem-io commented 2 years ago

Just to confirm, WSL works. The performance is not as good as with running it on Windows, but once the initial sync is done it is more than fast enough.