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CentOS docker image #55

Closed rameshar16 closed 4 years ago

rameshar16 commented 4 years ago

Hi @stephenh, I am seeing the current image base os is Debian, Can we use CentOs instead of debain?

Thanks and Regards, Ramesh AR

stephenh commented 4 years ago

I don't think what OS the docker container uses should matter, because users are not expected to log/shell in to it and really cd / ls around, they should just run the docker ... commands and not care whether it's Debian or CentOS or Alpine.

So, my brief answer is no. If you have an objective reason like image size (which afaiu the nod usually goes to Alpine for smallest image sizes), I'm open to a PR that changes it for some explicit reason, but otherwise if it's just personal preference, you can use your own CentOS-based dockerfile.

rameshar16 commented 4 years ago

our security compliance team not allowing to use Debian and alpine os based images. I have built the centos based image.But, the build threw few errors/warns and skipped them by adding the below. ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-lenient

The image is working as expected.