stephenharris / WP-MarkDown

WP-MarkDown plug-in. Allows Markdown to be enabled in posts, comments and bbPress forums.
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iFrame issues - Embedded Videos Erased #9

Closed johndugan closed 11 years ago

johndugan commented 11 years ago

Hey Stephen -

Awesome plugin! I am relatively new to the markdown syntax, but am liking the simplicity. One of the issues I am having with your plugin is in posts which contain YouTube iframe embeds. In my particular case, I am going back to old posts and adding post thumbnails. When I view an old post in the editor with your plugin active, the iframe has been removed. Upon uploading a new thumbnail and updating the post, the iframe is deleted from the post and no longer shows on the frontend.

Look forward to figuring out a solution, and thx again for the plugin!


lulalala commented 11 years ago

+1 When I add the iframe code, and save as draft, the code disappears after I reopen the page for edit.

stephenharris commented 11 years ago

Hi @johndugan @lulalala ,

Sorry I've not been responsive lately here. Seems the issue is the MarkDown filter is not ignoring <iframe> tags. But is there a particular reason you are using iframes directly rather than the [embed] shortcode?

lulalala commented 11 years ago

@stephenharris It was just copy and paste straight from Youtube, which takes less time :P.

stephenharris commented 11 years ago

Surely [embed]{youtube url}[/embed] won't take so long :wink:

stephenharris commented 11 years ago

Closing as wont fix, iframes aren't supported, but you can use the [embed] shortcode. Sorry!

Meligy commented 11 years ago


Is there any possibility of getting this open again?

Another scenario is including codes as well. Not to mention backwards compatibility. I'm trying to use this on a several years old blog, the last blog post contained a Youtube video and when I opened it for testing I was worried to see the <iframe> tag disappear, being a code blog I also have a few jsfiddle ones. There is no way I could see to modify those old posts in HTML and if I open them in Markdown I lose the frames.

Thanks a lot.