stephenharris / WP-MarkDown

WP-MarkDown plug-in. Allows Markdown to be enabled in posts, comments and bbPress forums.
112 stars 19 forks source link


Contributors: stephenharris
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Tags: markdown, formatting,prettify,syntax highlighter,code
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 4.9.1
Stable tag: 1.6.0

Allows Markdown to be enabled in posts, comments and bbPress forums.


This plugin allows you to write posts (of any post type) using the Markdown syntax. The plugin converts the Markdown into HTML prior to saving the post. When editing a post, the plugin converts it back into Markdown syntax.

The plugin also allows you to enable Markdown in comments and bbPress forums. In these instances the plugin adds a toolbar, and preview of the processed Markdown with Prettify syntax highlighter applied (similiar to that used in the Stack Exchange websites such as WordPress Stack Exchange).

WP-Markdown stores the processed HTML, so deactivating the plugin will not affect your posts, comments or bbPress forums.


Installation is standard and straight forward.

  1. Upload wp-markdown folder (and all its contents) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to your Settings > Writing page and enable Markdown for the appropriate post types and comments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Markdown syntax?

For information on how to use Markdown syntax, please read: Markdown: syntax.

What happens to the post content if I uninstall the plugin?

The plugin uses Markdown to generate the appropriate HTML prior to the post saving to the database. When you edit a post, it is converted back to Markdown syntax. Once the plugin is uninstalled you'll simply revert to editing the posts' HTML.

How do I embed content?

*A clean install of WordPress allows you to (for example) include a YouTube url on a separate line, whereupon it will automatically embed the video. This is not possible with WP-Markdown installed (I tried - I broke more things. But if you manage it, feel free to make a pull-request:*

You'll need to use the [embed] shortcode.

How do I prevent a bit of the page being parsed as Markdown?

Enclose it in a div tag. It'll be ignored.

How do I allow the contents of a div tag to be parsed as Markdown?

Use <div markdown="1">.


1. The Markdown toolbar and previewer on a bbPress forum.

The Markdown toolbar and previewer on a bbPress forum.

2. Plugin settings, located at the bottom of the Writing settings page.

Plugin settings, located at the bottom of the Writing settings page.

3. The Markdown toolbar and previewer on a comment form.

The Markdown toolbar and previewer on a comment form.

4. Example of Markdown syntax.

Example of Markdown syntax.

5. The output of the example Markdown.

The output of the example Markdown.


1.6 - 25th December 2017














Upgrade Notice


If you have upgraded to 1.1.4, please upgrade to 1.1.5. This release fixes a bug introduced in 1.1.4 (see
