stephenlb / pubnub-mongo-pipe

PubNub MongoDB Pipe! Connect your iOS Mobile Phone and Website to all INSERT events on MongoDB with PubNub Pipe. Simply follow the instructions in the file to setup MongoDB and prepare for the Ruby pipe process.
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Streaming Geo Coordinates from MongoDB to iPhone with WebSockets and PubNub

PubNub MongoDB Pipe to iOS iPhone via WebSocket

Get your PubNub API Keys

First you'll need to get your PubNub API keys by visiting [](PubNub Account Dashboard)

Install MongoDB

Setup MongoDB - OSX

curl > mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.2.2.tgz


tar xvfz mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.2.2.tgz

Add default MongoDB Directory

mkdir -p /data/db

Run MongoDB Server


Run MongoDB Interactive JS Console


Install Ruby Packages

Make sure you have Ruby 1.9.3 installed.

gem update --system
gem install pubnub
gem install mongo
gem install mongopipe ## MongoDB Pipe
gem install bson_ext

Run PubNub MongoDB Ruby Pipe

You may run the Pipe by issuing this simple command then follow the instructions that print out to test.

Run Pipe via CURL

ruby <(curl

You can also download the Pipe file first then run it locally. This basically will save the Ruby source code file to your local hard drive and you can execute it anytime you need to.

Download First

curl > pipe.rb

Then Run Locally

ruby ./pipe.rb

Follow the Output Instructions. That's it!

The following section only shows a sample insertable document that triggers replication broadcast to the map.

Mongo Console

Next go back to your mongodb console and type the following commands:

use test
db.cap_collection.insert({ latlon : [ 1.5, 2.0 ] })