stephenslab / count-clustering

Code and data reproducing results from our PLOS Genetics paper "Visualizing the structure of RNA-seq expression data using grade of membership models"
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Code and data reproducing results from "Visualizing the structure of RNA-seq expression data using grade of membership models", now published in PLoS Genetics.

View here to start browsing the R Markdown notebooks implementing the data analyses.


TO DO: Add a paragraph here giving a brief description of this repository, and what is contained in the repository. Refer to "repository organization" below for more details.

The R package corresponding to this work is CountClust. Check the package details here.

TO DO: More details to add here in this section: (1) Link to Zenodo other resource(s) containing code and data relevant to PLoS Genetics paper, (2) Link to R package on Bioconductor, (3) give platform and software version(s) used to run the R code (e.g., Mac OS X, R and/or RStudio).*

Citing this repository

If the data or code in this repository are useful for your research project, please cite the Zenodo resource, as well as our paper published in PloS Genetics:

Dey K, Hsiao C, and Stephens M (2017). Visualizing the structure of RNA-seq expression data using grade of membership models. PLoS Genetics 13: e1006599

Code and data licenses

TO DO: Add licenses appropriate for code and for data/images; e.g., CC-BY and GPL.

Running the code

TO DO: Give instructions here on installing software and downloading data in order to be able to run the R scripts/notebooks.

Repository organization

All documents related to this work are in the project folder. The remaining folders contain files used to generate the webpages. The project folder hosts several sub-directories---we list their functionalities below:



Please contact Kushal K Dey if you have any queries.