stephenst / mural

An app for creating and managing your front-end pattern library.
MIT License
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Mural Patterns - A Design Pattern Library Maker

An app for creating and managing your front-end pattern library.

  1. Create patterns in Markdown files
  2. Create structure by creating folders
  3. Browseable interface

Built with Gulp, Angular and Markdown/YAML

3 Seperate Sub-Modules

How to install


How Mural Patterns works

  1. Patterns folder is watched by Gulp and JSON files are generated for each root pattern
  2. AngularJS uses these JSON documents to show a browseable interface of the patterns
  3. Inject your own CSS by editing index.html and add your own patterns

Pattern (markdown) Formats

The meta information in these files go between lines with ---

Name: Title of the Pattern Section hidecode: true|false (if you have HTML code showing the exmaple have it under the bottom --- and we'll seperate it out.) Description: This is the body copy that will display.
Subsections within Description: (use markdown) What - What the item is. Use When - When do you implement it.

HTML Code goes below the meta information.

    name: Alert success
    hidecode: true
    description: >
        ### What
        Page level information or service alert. Critical updates with a defined time period should be pushed using the alert box.

        ### Use when
        For page level critical updates.
    <div class="ui-alert ui-alert--success">
        <div class="alert__title">This is a success alert</div>
        <div class="alert__body">More body text</div>
        <a href="#" class="alert_close"></a>