stepthom / lucene-lda

Using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) in Apache Lucene
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Updates to field indexing #6

Open chrismattmann opened 9 years ago

chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

My students in my USC CSCI 572 Search engines class found the following issue had to be dealt with to get this project to work:

Would you be interested in me pushing this upstream? Also what are the chances that we'll get this integrated without having to run LDA outside of this tool? Thank you!

stepthom commented 9 years ago

@chrismattmann Thanks for your changes! I'm happy to merge those changes in; I'll add some comments on the commit you linked to.

Re: not having having to run LDA outside of this tool. This is the most pressing feature to add, definitely. The task is captured in #3. I don't have a lot of time to work on it in the immediate future, but as always, if you or one of your students wants to tackle it, I would be very grateful.

chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

Thanks @stepthom I'll have my students work on this in the Fall semester, which starts in a week and a half :) :+1: