stepthom / lucene-lda

Using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) in Apache Lucene
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Use latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) in Apache Lucene


Stephen W. Thomas <>


lucene-lda allows users to build indexes and perform queries using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), an advanced topic model, within the Lucene framework.

lucene-lda was originally developed as part of a research project that compared the performance of the Vector Space Model (VSM), which is Lucene's default IR model, with the performance of LDA. The context was bug localization, where the goal is to determine the similarity between bug reports and source code files. However, lucene-lda is general enough that other contexts can be considered: as long as there are (a) input documents to be searched and (b) queries to be executed.

lucene-lda can work in two different ways:

In the above, V is the number of terms; K is the number of topics; and D is the number of documents. The order of the terms in vocab.dat should match the order in words.dat; the same is true for the filenames in files.dat and theta.dat.

In either case, you can specify at query time if you want to use the VSM model or LDA model for executing a particular query. lucene-lda will then return a ranked list of documents that best match the given query.

lucene-lda assumes that any complicated preprocessing of the documents or queries has already been performed. See [] for a nice preprocessor.


The main design goal was to use LDA, not VSM, to compute the similarity between a query and a document. To understand how I achieved this, a bit of background is required:

By default, Lucene uses a slight variant of the Vector Space Model (VSM) to compute the similarity between a query and each document in the index. (There are some bells and whistles that are available, but this is the general idea.) The basic formulation of the similarity comes from the cosine distance between two vectors: one for the document, and one for the query. The numbers in the vectors are the term weights of each term in the document and query.

LDA works very differently. In the LDA model, similarity is computed using conditional probability, which not only involves the terms of the query and document, but also the topics in the query and documents. Basically, we needed a way to store which topics are in each document in Lucene. To do so, we use Payloads to cleverly encode the topics in each document at index time. Then, at query time, we do the following.

Two notes about similarity:


Use on the command line:

bin/indexDirectory [--help] <inDir> <outIndexDir> <outLDAIndex> [--fileCodes <fileCodes>] [--ldaConfig ldaConfig1,ldaConfig2,...,ldaConfigN ]

bin/queryWithVSM [--help] <indexDir> <queryDir> <resultsDir> [--weightingCode <weightingCode>] [--scoringCode <scoringCode>] 

bin/queryWithLDA [--help] <indexDir> <LDAIndexDir> <queryDir> <resultsDir> [--K <K>] [--scoringCode <scoringCode>]

The above scripts simply call the corresponding Java classes, after setting the classpath as needed.


Simply type:

ant jar
ant test


lucene-lda depends on Apache Lucene, MALLET, Apache Commons, Apache log4j, JSAP, and JUnit. All are included in the lib/ directory.


Copyright (C) 2012 by Stephen W. Thomas