Closed AsIfPu closed 2 years ago
You need to optimize the model first for your graphic card. You can do it with ZED Diagnostic tool :
For ex, to optimize multi class accurate :
$ ZED_Diagnostic.exe -ais 2
You can also optimize all the models in one command :
$ ZED_Diagnostic.exe -aio
(but it takes some time)
Hi, You need to optimize the model first for your graphic card. You can do it with ZED Diagnostic tool : For ex, to optimize multi class accurate :
$ ZED_Diagnostic.exe -ais 2
You can also optimize all the models in one command :
$ ZED_Diagnostic.exe -aio
(but it takes some time)
Thank you for your reply!AI models has been loaded successfully. But the 3D Object Detection still doesn't work.
Object Detection failed to start. (Error: MODULE_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_CAMERA )
My camera is zed2.
From the diagnostic file, it seems you are using a ZED not a ZED2
"Model": "ZED",
"Serial Number": 12358,
"valid": [
"Camera: ZED",
"Firmware: 1523"
From the diagnostic file, it seems you are using a ZED not a ZED2
"Model": "ZED", "Serial Number": 12358, "valid": [ "Camera: ZED", "Firmware: 1523"
Um...I must have taken the wrong camera Thank you very much for your reply
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Preliminary Checks
I can't run the Object Detection and the SkeletonTracking. Other Examples are normal.I think it's the problem of ai models.
The Model MULTI_CLASS_BOX_ACCURATE has not been downloaded/optimized. Use the ZED Diagnostic tool to download/optimze all the AI model you plan to use. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) ZEDManager:StartObjectDetection () (at Assets/ZED/SDK/Helpers/Scripts/ZEDManager.cs:2691) ZED3DObjectVisualizer:OnZEDReady () (at Assets/ZED/Examples/Object Detection/Scripts/ZED3DObjectVisualizer.cs:161) ZEDManager/d__295:MoveNext () (at Assets/ZED/SDK/Helpers/Scripts/ZEDManager.cs:1974)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)
Object Detection failed to start. (Error: MODULE_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_CAMERA ) UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object) ZEDManager/d__319:MoveNext () (at Assets/ZED/SDK/Helpers/Scripts/ZEDManager.cs:2775)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)
Steps to Reproduce
1.Open 3D Object Detection scene 2.Click PlayButton
Expected Result
Actual Result
The camera content can be displayed on the screen, but it is not recognized.
ZED Camera model
Anything else?
{ "AI Models": { "info": [ "MULTI CLASS DETECTION is not optimized", "MULTI CLASS MEDIUM DETECTION is not optimized", "MULTI CLASS ACCURATE DETECTION is not optimized", "HUMAN BODY FAST DETECTION is not optimized", "HUMAN BODY MEDIUM DETECTION is not optimized", "HUMAN BODY ACCURATE DETECTION is not optimized", "PERSON HEAD DETECTION is not optimized", "REID ASSOCIATION is not optimized", "NEURAL DEPTH is not optimized" ] }, "Camera Test": { "InternalDevicesCount": 1, "ZEDCount": 1, "camera": { "Device ID": 0, "Firmware": 1523, "Init Output": "OK", "Model": "ZED", "Serial Number": 12358, "valid": [ "Camera: ZED", "Firmware: 1523" ] }, "resolutions": { "HD1080@15": { "fps (input)": 15, "fps (output)": 15, "height (input)": 1080, "height (output)": 1080, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 1920, "width (output)": 1920 }, "HD1080@30": { "fps (input)": 30, "fps (output)": 30, "height (input)": 1080, "height (output)": 1080, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 1920, "width (output)": 1920 }, "HD2K@15": { "fps (input)": 15, "fps (output)": 15, "height (input)": 1242, "height (output)": 1242, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 2208, "width (output)": 2208 }, "HD720@15": { "fps (input)": 15, "fps (output)": 15, "height (input)": 720, "height (output)": 720, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 1280, "width (output)": 1280 }, "HD720@30": { "fps (input)": 30, "fps (output)": 30, "height (input)": 720, "height (output)": 720, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 1280, "width (output)": 1280 }, "HD720@60": { "dropCount": 0, "fps (input)": 60, "fps (output)": 60, "height (input)": 720, "height (output)": 720, "imageCount": 501, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "tearingCount": 0, "width (input)": 1280, "width (output)": 1280 }, "VGA@100": { "fps (input)": 100, "fps (output)": 79, "height (input)": 376, "height (output)": 376, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 672, "width (output)": 672 }, "VGA@15": { "fps (input)": 15, "fps (output)": 15, "height (input)": 376, "height (output)": 376, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 672, "width (output)": 672 }, "VGA@30": { "fps (input)": 30, "fps (output)": 30, "height (input)": 376, "height (output)": 376, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 672, "width (output)": 672 }, "VGA@60": { "fps (input)": 60, "fps (output)": 48, "height (input)": 376, "height (output)": 376, "initialization": "OK", "status": true, "width (input)": 672, "width (output)": 672 } }, "sensors": { } }, "Graphics Card": { "deviceCount": 1, "deviceDriverVersion": 11050, "devices": [ { "arch": "Pascal", "computeCapability": "6.1", "cores": 1280, "name": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB", "totalMemoryBytes": "6442254336", "totalMemoryMB": 6143.8125 } ], "initResult": 0, "valid": [ "Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB" ] }, "Processor": { "OS": "Windows 10 FallCreators", "avxSupported": true, "coreCount": "6", "cpu": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz", "datetime": "2022-04-05 14:18:17", "hyperThreading": "1", "motherboard": "3132, LENOVO", "ramCapacity": "15.8425", "ramUsage": "0", "ramUsed": "7.28469", "threadCount": "12", "valid": [ "Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz", "Motherboard: 3132, LENOVO" ] }, "USB": { "ASMediaFound": false, "CorruptedFirmware": false, "OC_Cam_Detected": false, "OtherUSBDevices": [ ], "USBList": [ { "USB_path": "/3", "idProduct": "0xc52f", "idVendor": "0x046d" }, { "USBMode": 3, "USB_path": "/20", "bDescriptorType": 1, "bDeviceProtocol": 1, "bLength": 18, "bMaxPacketSize0": 9, "bNumConfigurations": 1, "bcdDevice": "1.0", "bcdUSB": "3.0", "bcdUSBClass": 239, "bcdUSBSubClass": 2, "busNumber": 1, "device": "ZED", "iManufacturer": 1, "iProduct": 2, "iSerial": 0, "idProduct": "0xf582", "idVendor": "0x2b03" }, { "USB_path": "/1", "idProduct": "0xc338", "idVendor": "0x046d" }, { "USBMode": 3, "USB_path": "/20", "bDescriptorType": 1, "bDeviceProtocol": 1, "bLength": 18, "bMaxPacketSize0": 9, "bNumConfigurations": 1, "bcdDevice": "1.0", "bcdUSB": "3.0", "bcdUSBClass": 239, "bcdUSBSubClass": 2, "busNumber": 1, "device": "ZED", "iManufacturer": 1, "iProduct": 2, "iSerial": 0, "idProduct": "0xf582", "idVendor": "0x2b03" } ], "USBMode": 3, "ZED Camera Module Detected": 62850, "ZEDDetected": true, "captureDevices": [ ], "controllers": [ { "CompatibleIDs": "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A36D&REV_10", "Description": "&\b USB xHCI �;:�6h", "DeviceName": "Intel(R) USB 3.1 �iU;:�6h - 1.10 (Microsoft)", "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0000", "Location": "PCI ;� 0\u0001�\u0007 20\u0001�� 0", "Manufacturer": "\u001a( USB xHCI ;:�6h", "Name": "PCI", "PhysicalName": "\Device\NTPNP_PCI0004" }, { "CompatibleIDs": "", "Description": "USB 9ƿh(USB 3.0)", "DeviceName": "", "Driver": "{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0001", "Location": "", "Manufacturer": "(\u0007� USB ƿh)", "Name": "USB", "PhysicalName": "\Device\USBPDO-0" } ], "valid": [ "USB Bandwidth: OK" ] }, "ZED SDK": { "CUDA Toolkit version": "V11.5.50 -->located in C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.5/bin/nvcc.exe", "CUDA loading": false, "CUDA_reachable": true, "ZED SDK Version (Diag)": "3.7.1", "ZED SDK Version (RT)": "3.7.1", "ai": { "checkAI": true, "cudaVersion": 11050, "cudnnCudartVersion": 11030, "cudnnVersion": 8201, "cudnnVersionExpected": 8201, "tensorVersion": 8201 }, "binFiles": [ "cudnn64_8.dll", "cudnn_adv_infer64_8.dll", "cudnn_adv_train64_8.dll", "cudnn_cnn_infer64_8.dll", "cudnn_cnn_train64_8.dll", "cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll", "cudnn_ops_train64_8.dll", "nvinfer.dll", "nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", "nvinfer_plugin.dll", "nvonnxparser.dll", "nvparsers.dll", "sl_ai64.dll", "sl_zed64.dll" ], "driverVersion": "496.13", "drivervDllVersion": "", "resourcesFiles": [ "objects_performance_2.1.model" ], "resourcesFilesExpected": [ "objects_performance_2.1" ], "runtimeDllVersion": 11050, "valid": [ "ZED SDK version: 3.7.1", "CUDA version: V11.5.50" ] } }