stevearc / quicker.nvim

Improved UI and workflow for the Neovim quickfix
MIT License
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Improved UI and workflow for the Neovim quickfix



Improved styling (colorscheme: Duskfox) \ Before \

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 6 03 39 PM

After \

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 2 05 49 PM

Context lines around the results \

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 2 06 17 PM

Editing the quickfix to apply changes across multiple files


quicker.nvim supports all the usual plugin managers

lazy.nvim ```lua { 'stevearc/quicker.nvim', event = "FileType qf", ---@module "quicker" ---@type quicker.SetupOptions opts = {}, } ```
Packer ```lua require("packer").startup(function() use({ "stevearc/quicker.nvim", config = function() require("quicker").setup() end, }) end) ```
Paq ```lua require("paq")({ { "stevearc/quicker.nvim" }, }) ```
vim-plug ```vim Plug 'stevearc/quicker.nvim' ```
dein ```vim call dein#add('stevearc/quicker.nvim') ```
Pathogen ```sh git clone --depth=1 ~/.vim/bundle/ ```
Neovim native package ```sh git clone --depth=1 \ "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/pack/quicker/start/quicker.nvim ```


You will need to call setup() for quicker to start working


It's not required to pass in any options, but you may wish to to set some keymaps.

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>q", function()
end, {
  desc = "Toggle quickfix",
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>l", function()
  require("quicker").toggle({ loclist = true })
end, {
  desc = "Toggle loclist",
  keys = {
        require("quicker").expand({ before = 2, after = 2, add_to_existing = true })
      desc = "Expand quickfix context",
      desc = "Collapse quickfix context",


A complete list of all configuration options

  -- Local options to set for quickfix
  opts = {
    buflisted = false,
    number = false,
    relativenumber = false,
    signcolumn = "auto",
    winfixheight = true,
    wrap = false,
  -- Set to false to disable the default options in `opts`
  use_default_opts = true,
  -- Keymaps to set for the quickfix buffer
  keys = {
    -- { ">", "<cmd>lua require('quicker').expand()<CR>", desc = "Expand quickfix content" },
  -- Callback function to run any custom logic or keymaps for the quickfix buffer
  on_qf = function(bufnr) end,
  edit = {
    -- Enable editing the quickfix like a normal buffer
    enabled = true,
    -- Set to true to write buffers after applying edits.
    -- Set to "unmodified" to only write unmodified buffers.
    autosave = "unmodified",
  -- Keep the cursor to the right of the filename and lnum columns
  constrain_cursor = true,
  highlight = {
    -- Use treesitter highlighting
    treesitter = true,
    -- Use LSP semantic token highlighting
    lsp = true,
    -- Load the referenced buffers to apply more accurate highlights (may be slow)
    load_buffers = true,
  -- Map of quickfix item type to icon
  type_icons = {
    E = "󰅚 ",
    W = "󰀪 ",
    I = " ",
    N = " ",
    H = " ",
  -- Border characters
  borders = {
    vert = "┃",
    -- Strong headers separate results from different files
    strong_header = "━",
    strong_cross = "╋",
    strong_end = "┫",
    -- Soft headers separate results within the same file
    soft_header = "╌",
    soft_cross = "╂",
    soft_end = "┨",
  -- Trim the leading whitespace from results
  trim_leading_whitespace = true,
  -- Maximum width of the filename column
  max_filename_width = function()
    return math.floor(math.min(95, vim.o.columns / 2))
  -- How far the header should extend to the right
  header_length = function(type, start_col)
    return vim.o.columns - start_col


These are the highlight groups that are used to style the quickfix buffer. You can set these highlight groups yourself or use :help winhighlight in the setup opts option to override them for just the quickfix window.



expand(opts) \ Expand the context around the quickfix results.

Param Type Desc
opts nil\|quicker.ExpandOpts
>before nil\|integer Number of lines of context to show before the line (default 2)
>after nil\|integer Number of lines of context to show after the line (default 2)
>add_to_existing nil\|boolean
>loclist_win nil\|integer


If there are multiple quickfix items for the same line of a file, only the first
one will remain after calling expand().


collapse() \ Collapse the context around quickfix results, leaving only the valid items.


toggle_expand(opts) \ Toggle the expanded context around the quickfix results.

Param Type Desc
opts nil\|quicker.ExpandOpts
>before nil\|integer Number of lines of context to show before the line (default 2)
>after nil\|integer Number of lines of context to show after the line (default 2)
>add_to_existing nil\|boolean
>loclist_win nil\|integer

refresh(loclist_win, opts)

refresh(loclist_win, opts) \ Update the quickfix list with the current buffer text for each item.

Param Type Desc
loclist_win nil\|integer
opts nil\|quicker.RefreshOpts
>keep_diagnostics nil\|boolean If a line has a diagnostic type, keep the original text and display it as virtual text after refreshing from source.



Param Type Desc
loclist_win nil\|integer Check if loclist is open for the given window. If nil, check quickfix.


toggle(opts) \ Toggle the quickfix or loclist window.

Param Type Desc
opts nil\|quicker.OpenOpts
>loclist nil\|boolean Toggle the loclist instead of the quickfix list
>focus nil\|boolean Focus the quickfix window after toggling (default false)
>height nil\|integer Height of the quickfix window when opened. Defaults to number of items in the list.
>min_height nil\|integer Minimum height of the quickfix window. Default 4.
>max_height nil\|integer Maximum height of the quickfix window. Default 10.
>open_cmd_mods nil\|quicker.OpenCmdMods A table of modifiers for the quickfix or loclist open commands.


open(opts) \ Open the quickfix or loclist window.

Param Type Desc
opts nil\|quicker.OpenOpts
>loclist nil\|boolean Toggle the loclist instead of the quickfix list
>focus nil\|boolean Focus the quickfix window after toggling (default false)
>height nil\|integer Height of the quickfix window when opened. Defaults to number of items in the list.
>min_height nil\|integer Minimum height of the quickfix window. Default 4.
>max_height nil\|integer Maximum height of the quickfix window. Default 10.
>open_cmd_mods nil\|quicker.OpenCmdMods A table of modifiers for the quickfix or loclist open commands.


close(opts) \ Close the quickfix or loclist window.

Param Type Desc
opts nil\|quicker.CloseOpts
>loclist nil\|boolean Close the loclist instead of the quickfix list

Other Plugins

In general quicker.nvim should play nice with other quickfix plugins (🟢), except if they change the format of the quickfix buffer. Quicker.nvim relies on owning the :help quickfixtextfunc for the other features to function, so some other plugins you may need to disable or not use parts of their functionality (🟡). Some plugins have features that completely conflict with quicker.nvim (🔴).