stevector / migrate_pantheon

Experimental integration between Pantheon and Drupal migrate
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Drupal 8 Migrate + Pantheon


This repository exists to validate a process for using Drupal 8's migrate suite of modules on Pantheon. At some point in the future this repository might expand to include a helper module and/or scripts that are intended to be reused for performing real-world migrations. However as this repository stands now, it is simply a meant to be an executable reference that shows how Drupal 8 migrations can be configured and run from a Drupal 6 or 7 source site on Pantheon to a different Drupal 8 site on Pantheon. CircleCI is used to run a series of scripts that validate that a very simple migration (A single node with no attached files) can migrate from one site to another.

Steps performed by CircleCI repository
