steveicarus / iverilog

Icarus Verilog
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Adding signal output will cause abnormal simulation output in iverilog #1133

Closed Noah-S-E closed 5 months ago

Noah-S-E commented 5 months ago

In the following two code snippets, y is the output wire.

assign y = {
assign y = {

The original design of the two statements generated syn_vivado.v after synthesis in Vivado, and I simulated the synthesized code.

Theoretically, if all other conditions remain the same, the simulation output in the forvar19 section should be consistent, meaning that the lower bits of y should be the same for the forvar19 value in both cases.

However, when I simulated using iverilog, with all other conditions being equal, the two produced different simulation outputs. (both wire7 and forvar19 I constructed are 2-bit).

381f76d24632fb2f668830e87b70f851 The left side only includes the forvar19 output as shown (highlighted in yellow for the forvar19 output section); the right side includes the output with the wire7 signal as shown (highlighted in yellow for the forvar19 output section).

Inconsistencies appeared on lines 6, 7, and 14.

Therefore, I used Vivado's simulation tool to simulate the synthesized output of the two statements, and the lower bits of the forvar19 output were consistent.

583f0e2024c1d3fcca1791c26356941b The left side only includes the forvar19 output as shown (highlighted in yellow for the forvar19 output section); the right side includes the output with the wire7 signal as shown (highlighted in yellow for the forvar19 output section).

Comparing the outputs of the two simulation tools mentioned above, I think that the issue might be caused by adding signal output, leading to abnormal simulation results in iverilog.

My original designs are as follows:

module top  (y, clk, wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0);
  output wire [3:0] y;
  input wire [(1'h0):(1'h0)] clk;
  input wire signed [(3'h4):(1'h0)] wire3;
  input wire [(3'h6):(1'h0)] wire2;
  input wire signed [(2'h2):(1'h0)] wire1;
  input wire signed [(2'h2):(1'h0)] wire0;

  wire signed [1:0] wire7;
  wire signed [(3'h4):(1'h0)] wire5;
  wire [(2'h2):(1'h0)] wire4;
  reg [(3'h4):(1'h0)] reg13 = (1'h0);

  reg signed [1:0] forvar19 = (1'h0);
  reg signed [(2'h2):(1'h0)] forvar15 = (1'h0);

  assign y = {   
  assign wire4 = wire0;
  assign wire5 = ((((8'ha6) ? wire2 : wire0) ?
                     ((8'ha2) ? wire1 : wire1) : (8'ha5)) - wire4);

  assign wire7 = $signed((wire1[(2'h2):(2'h2)] ?
                     $unsigned(wire3) : $unsigned(wire5)));

    @(posedge clk) begin
      if (wire7[(1'h1):(1'h1)])
          if ((-((forvar15 ? reg13 : wire5) ?
              wire4[(1'h0):(1'h0)] : ((8'ha5) ? (8'h9e) : forvar15))))
              for (forvar19 = (1'h0); (forvar19 < (1'h0)); forvar19 = (forvar19 + (1'h1)))


                  for (forvar19 = (1'h0); (forvar19 < (1'h1)); forvar19 = (forvar19 + (1'h1)))



// Copyright 1986-2022 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright 2022-2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tool Version: Vivado v.2023.2 (lin64) Build 4029153 Fri Oct 13 20:13:54 MDT 2023
// Date        : Tue May 21 16:27:24 2024
// Host        : zw-virtual-machine running 64-bit Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
// Command     : write_verilog -force syn_vivado.v
// Design      : top
// Purpose     : This is a Verilog netlist of the current design or from a specific cell of the design. The output is an
//               IEEE 1364-2001 compliant Verilog HDL file that contains netlist information obtained from the input
//               design files.
// Device      : xc7k70tfbv676-1
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps

module top
  output [3:0]y;
  input [0:0]clk;
  input [4:0]wire3;
  input [6:0]wire2;
  input [2:0]wire1;
  input [2:0]wire0;

  wire \<const0> ;
  wire GND_2;
  wire VCC_1;
  wire forvar19__0_i_1_n_0;
  wire forvar19__0_i_3_n_0;
  wire forvar19__0_i_4_n_0;
  wire forvar19__0_i_5_n_0;
  wire forvar19__0_i_6_n_0;
  wire [2:0]wire0;
  wire [2:0]wire0_IBUF;
  wire [2:0]wire1;
  wire [2:0]wire1_IBUF;
  wire [6:0]wire2;
  wire [6:0]wire2_IBUF;
  wire [4:0]wire3;
  wire [1:1]wire3_IBUF;
  wire [1:1]wire7;
  wire [3:0]y;
  wire [0:0]y_OBUF;

       (.G(\<const0> ));
  LDCE #(
  LUT6 #(
  LUT6 #(
  LUT4 #(
  LUT6 #(
  LUT3 #(
  LUT3 #(
  IBUF \wire0_IBUF[0]_inst 
  IBUF \wire0_IBUF[1]_inst 
  IBUF \wire0_IBUF[2]_inst 
  IBUF \wire1_IBUF[0]_inst 
  IBUF \wire1_IBUF[1]_inst 
  IBUF \wire1_IBUF[2]_inst 
  IBUF \wire2_IBUF[0]_inst 
  IBUF \wire2_IBUF[1]_inst 
  IBUF \wire2_IBUF[2]_inst 
  IBUF \wire2_IBUF[3]_inst 
  IBUF \wire2_IBUF[4]_inst 
  IBUF \wire2_IBUF[5]_inst 
  IBUF \wire2_IBUF[6]_inst 
  IBUF \wire3_IBUF[1]_inst 
  OBUF \y_OBUF[0]_inst 
  OBUF \y_OBUF[1]_inst 
       (.I(\<const0> ),
  OBUF \y_OBUF[2]_inst 
       (.I(\<const0> ),
  OBUF \y_OBUF[3]_inst 
       (.I(\<const0> ),

( STRUCTURAL_NETLIST = "yes" ) module top (y, clk, wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0); output [3:0]y; input [0:0]clk; input [4:0]wire3; input [6:0]wire2; input [2:0]wire1; input [2:0]wire0;

wire \ ; wire GND_2; wire VCC_1; wire forvar190_i_1_n_0; wire forvar190_i_2_n_0; wire forvar19__0_i_3_n_0; wire [2:0]wire0; wire [2:0]wire0_IBUF; wire [2:0]wire1; wire [2:0]wire1_IBUF; wire [6:0]wire2; wire [6:0]wire2_IBUF; wire [4:0]wire3; wire [1:0]wire3_IBUF; wire [3:0]y; wire [3:0]y_OBUF; wire \y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_2_n_0 ; wire \y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_3_n_0 ; wire \y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_4_n_0 ;

GND GND (.G(\ )); GND GND_1 (.G(GND_2)); VCC VCC (.P(VCC_1)); ( XILINX_LEGACY_PRIM = "LD" ) ( XILINX_TRANSFORM_PINMAP = "VCC:GE GND:CLR" ) LDCE #( .INIT(1'b0)) forvar190 (.CLR(GND_2), .D(forvar19__0_i_1_n_0), .G(y_OBUF[3]), .GE(VCC_1), .Q(y_OBUF[0])); LUT6 #( .INIT(64'hFFFFFFFFFFFF00F1)) forvar190_i_1 (.I0(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_3_n_0 ), .I1(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_2_n_0 ), .I2(wire1_IBUF[0]), .I3(wire0_IBUF[0]), .I4(forvar190_i_2_n_0), .I5(forvar190_i_3_n_0), .O(forvar190_i_1_n_0)); LUT3 #( .INIT(8'h14)) forvar190_i_2 (.I0(wire0_IBUF[0]), .I1(wire0_IBUF[2]), .I2(wire1_IBUF[2]), .O(forvar190_i_2_n_0)); ( SOFT_HLUTNM = "soft_lutpair0" ) LUT3 #( .INIT(8'h14)) forvar190_i_3 (.I0(wire0_IBUF[0]), .I1(wire0_IBUF[1]), .I2(wire1_IBUF[1]), .O(forvar19__0_i_3_n_0)); IBUF \wire0_IBUF[0]_inst (.I(wire0[0]), .O(wire0_IBUF[0])); IBUF \wire0_IBUF[1]_inst (.I(wire0[1]), .O(wire0_IBUF[1])); IBUF \wire0_IBUF[2]_inst (.I(wire0[2]), .O(wire0_IBUF[2])); IBUF \wire1_IBUF[0]_inst (.I(wire1[0]), .O(wire1_IBUF[0])); IBUF \wire1_IBUF[1]_inst (.I(wire1[1]), .O(wire1_IBUF[1])); IBUF \wire1_IBUF[2]_inst (.I(wire1[2]), .O(wire1_IBUF[2])); IBUF \wire2_IBUF[0]_inst (.I(wire2[0]), .O(wire2_IBUF[0])); IBUF \wire2_IBUF[1]_inst (.I(wire2[1]), .O(wire2_IBUF[1])); IBUF \wire2_IBUF[2]_inst (.I(wire2[2]), .O(wire2_IBUF[2])); IBUF \wire2_IBUF[3]_inst (.I(wire2[3]), .O(wire2_IBUF[3])); IBUF \wire2_IBUF[4]_inst (.I(wire2[4]), .O(wire2_IBUF[4])); IBUF \wire2_IBUF[5]_inst (.I(wire2[5]), .O(wire2_IBUF[5])); IBUF \wire2_IBUF[6]_inst (.I(wire2[6]), .O(wire2_IBUF[6])); IBUF \wire3_IBUF[0]_inst (.I(wire3[0]), .O(wire3_IBUF[0])); IBUF \wire3_IBUF[1]_inst (.I(wire3[1]), .O(wire3_IBUF[1])); OBUF \y_OBUF[0]_inst (.I(y_OBUF[0]), .O(y[0])); OBUF \y_OBUF[1]_inst (.I(\ ), .O(y[1])); OBUF \y_OBUF[2]_inst (.I(y_OBUF[2]), .O(y[2])); LUT6 #( .INIT(64'hAAAA3330AAAACCCF)) \y_OBUF[2]_inst_i_1 (.I0(wire3_IBUF[0]), .I1(wire1_IBUF[0]), .I2(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_2_n_0 ), .I3(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_3_n_0 ), .I4(wire1_IBUF[2]), .I5(wire0_IBUF[0]), .O(y_OBUF[2])); OBUF \y_OBUF[3]_inst (.I(y_OBUF[3]), .O(y[3])); LUT6 #( .INIT(64'hAAAAAAAA03FFFC00)) \y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_1 (.I0(wire3_IBUF[1]), .I1(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_2_n_0 ), .I2(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_3_n_0 ), .I3(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_4_n_0 ), .I4(wire0_IBUF[1]), .I5(wire1_IBUF[2]), .O(y_OBUF[3])); LUT3 #( .INIT(8'hFE)) \y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_2 (.I0(wire2_IBUF[6]), .I1(wire2_IBUF[5]), .I2(wire2_IBUF[0]), .O(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_2_n_0 )); LUT4 #( .INIT(16'hFFFE)) \y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_3 (.I0(wire2_IBUF[2]), .I1(wire2_IBUF[1]), .I2(wire2_IBUF[4]), .I3(wire2_IBUF[3]), .O(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_3_n_0 )); ( SOFT_HLUTNM = "soft_lutpair0" ) LUT3 #( .INIT(8'hD2)) \y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_4 (.I0(wire0_IBUF[0]), .I1(wire1_IBUF[0]), .I2(wire1_IBUF[1]), .O(\y_OBUF[3]_inst_i_4_n_0 )); endmodule

The corresponding testbench files for both are as follows:

include "./data/cells_cmos.v" include "./data/cells_cyclone_v.v" include "./data/cells_verific.v" include "./data/cells_xilinx_7.v" include "./data/cells_yosys.v" include "syn_vivado.v"

module testbench ; wire [3:0] y; reg [(1'h0):(1'h0)] clk; reg signed [(3'h4):(1'h0)] wire3; reg [(3'h6):(1'h0)] wire2; reg signed [(2'h2):(1'h0)] wire1; reg signed [(2'h2):(1'h0)] wire0; top #() top1 (.y(y), .clk(clk), .wire3(wire3), .wire2(wire2), .wire1(wire1), .wire0(wire0)); initial begin clk = (1'h0); {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (1'h0);

10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'hc8ed17754b580360127ef910e2932082ec2579f7a131db637cc1d86e57c7d0cb);

  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (255'h411b0c829d755a5578507cc343c86358aa8c5b35695014091f0e7fce7414d2d8);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'he988ccb1b1e636f7fe60cb67c99d4a3f77f026939dc0da989990f596381c8fb7);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'hbce57df56233b1564af674ccab0a61f6c6d3e2b868a83b8dde25d91e2f746d20);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (250'h22e78f6b72ab6c4a2d0465fbf8b044839785d077bd74cbb7e77a91d86849764);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'hf1f45e7f4af6216e8c5475d993934d10dbd5d49acf7db79ef3876f1f018b9634);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'ha4e0073ae205212adde488aa2beb63f4b2266b615debc792c9ca35173d66eaa3);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'h9c40041f1287529bbfd6ef4e49a30ae7f293df00f7ebd26836f912a9b61661eb);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'haadc327400bc296bb881ce7725b8139424b948d49a4d92b1f57187b308ac5d29);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (251'h7e6e4cda738b4d1127c9d1a5965499272ae6d3a78209e1fa0ca358a1cef3794);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (252'h9f0f6b1550e7fefe97d1ac1c13a3697480fb0753de77a0b331ca89a52110997);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (255'h5380ada6d39839dc167794994db2fb5761876cd2f2843b1b884756fd6eb650aa);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (254'h3c1bdca20a560571302c2f71ed694712ad226a8bb4e3a4089781a141974de41b);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (255'h4954b228890b33889589755c64e5c39e42f85be5960d8a924eb07ced6907e5b6);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (254'h39df39b1a0feb4a6d199e2a63c0f308c44efe5d009db1f7bad42bccf8cc0c5fb);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'hee4587a41fa6854e62b6cb71f5cda2d62108ecc78a3b152f925dcb069c136266);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (253'h170f445b2708a45d0421e6e05002a25b725face3dfc165313d4bc7fe9d27c71c);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'hcb4627d7f515fafa9b9e540c2e53cc0bd3bb81fe25f74485cd9f0d2810396ff5);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (254'h277c2bc07628a539fe7dfb8ce2925eb57d822e748654b9ecbce2f7a2ba561446);
  #10 {wire3, wire2, wire1, wire0} = (256'hd9b2c21a971f4fd0ea2b600114b669e7adf58ba093dcd2844dc29208e42fcb53);
  #10 $finish;


5 clk = (~clk);

always @(posedge clk) $strobe ("%b", y); endmodule

Here is the directory structure of the zip file:

├── 1/ │ ├── data/ │ │ ├── cells_cmos.v │ │ ├── cells_cyclone_v.v │ │ ├── cells_verific.v │ │ ├── cells_xilinx_7.v │ │ ├── │ │ └── cells_yosys.v │ ├── rtl.v │ ├── syn_vivado.v │ ├── vivado.log │ ├── vivado_main │ ├── vivado_testbench.v │ └── vvp_vivado.log ├── 2/ │ ├── data/ │ │ ├── cells_cmos.v │ │ ├── cells_cyclone_v.v │ │ ├── cells_verific.v │ │ ├── cells_xilinx_7.v │ │ ├── │ │ └── cells_yosys.v │ ├── rtl.v │ ├── syn_vivado.v │ ├── vivado.log │ ├── vivado_main │ ├── vivado_testbench.v │ └── vvp_vivado.log


- **1/ or 2/**:  These two documents correspond to the two different designs mentioned above

- **data/**: Contains module files referenced by Vivado synthesis.
  - **cells_cmos.v**
  - **cells_cyclone_v.v**
  - **cells_verific.v**
  - **cells_xilinx_7.v**
  - **cells_yosys.v**
- **rtl.v**: Original design.
- **syn_vivado.v**: File synthesized using Vivado.
- **vivado_testbench.v**: Testbench file.
- **vvp_vivado.log**: Simulation results using Icarus Verilog (iverilog).
- **vivado.log**: Simulation results using Vivado.
martinwhitaker commented 5 months ago

This is almost certainly a race in your design. Have you noticed that Vivado has synthesised a latch for y and no flip-flops?

Noah-S-E commented 5 months ago

This is almost certainly a race in your design. Have you noticed that Vivado has synthesised a latch for y and no flip-flops?

Thank you very much for your replyamidst your busy schedule. To eliminate the latch, I modified the code: I changed the two instances of for (forvar19 = (1'h0); (forvar19 < (1'h0)); forvar19 = (forvar19 + (1'h1))) to forvar19 <= 1'h1;. The latch disappeared, and the output of both versions was consistent when using iverilog.

However, for the example above where iVerilog simulation results don't match up, when I used Aldec Riviera Pro 2023.04 on edaplaygroundfor simulation, the results were consistent with Vivado simulation. It seems that these tools handle such latch conditions more effectively.

output only includes the forvar19

Output wire7 and forvar19

I hope that iVerilog can address this issue in the future and become a better simulation tool. Thank you for your contributions to the FPGA field. Best wishes to you.

martinwhitaker commented 5 months ago

Icarus Verilog handles latches perfectly well. But if there is a race condition in your design, you can't expect all simulators to give the same result. If you haven't done so already, read the "Scheduling semantics" section in the LRM (IEEE 1364 or IEEE 1800), particularly the "Nondeterminism" and "Race conditions" sub-sections.

Closing as this is not an Icarus Verilog issue.