*** Split.swift-old 2024-10-09 14:50:59.622048883 +0400
--- Split.swift-new 2024-10-09 16:00:36.372341071 +0400
*** 99,105 ****
.clipped() // Can cause problems in some List styles if not clipped
! .onChange(of: fraction.value) { new in constrainedFraction = new }
--- 99,105 ----
.clipped() // Can cause problems in some List styles if not clipped
! .onChange(of: fraction.value) { constrainedFraction = fraction.value }
*** Splitter.swift-old 2024-10-09 14:50:59.624959091 +0400
--- Splitter.swift-new 2024-10-09 16:00:42.523829954 +0400
*** 68,75 ****
// hidden when the side is hidden (styling.hideSplitter is true), then set the
// splitter color to clear. When the splitter is actually hidden, it doesn't even
// exist, but when previewing it does, so we have to make it invisible this way.
! .onChange(of: styling.previewHide) { hide in
! if hide {
dividerColor = styling.hideSplitter ? .clear : privateColor ?? color
} else {
dividerColor = privateColor ?? color
--- 68,75 ----
// hidden when the side is hidden (styling.hideSplitter is true), then set the
// splitter color to clear. When the splitter is actually hidden, it doesn't even
// exist, but when previewing it does, so we have to make it invisible this way.
! .onChange(of: styling.previewHide) {
! if styling.previewHide {
dividerColor = styling.hideSplitter ? .clear : privateColor ?? color
} else {
dividerColor = privateColor ?? color