stevengogogo / neurips-quarto-extension
MIT License
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Use of the NeurIPS format template

This is a Quarto-based template that assists you in creating a manuscript for Computo.

Creating a new article

You can use this as a template to create an article for Computo. To do this, use the following command:

quarto use template stevengogogo/neurips-quarto-extension

This will install the extension and create an example qmd file and bibiography that you can use as a starting place for your article.

Installation for existing document

You may also use this format with an existing Quarto project or document. From the quarto project or document directory, run the following command to install this format:

quarto add stevengogogo/neurips-quarto-extension

Installation for side packages

  1. TinyLatex
    quarto install tinytex --update-path
  2. dviscgm
  3. R installabion with Conda
  4. R package installation
    • This is required when R package is missing in the environment
  5. Required python pakcage


To use the format, you can use the format names computo-html. For example:

quarto render article.qmd --to neurips-html

or in your document yaml

  neurips-html: default

You can view a preview of the rendered HTML and PDF template at (for PDF, see "other formats" bnext to the TOC).
