stevensblueprint / inreach-website
6 stars 1 forks source link

Getting Started

If repo not cloned, run:

git clone

Development setup

  1. Install all the dependencies
npm install
  1. Setup environment variables
cp .env.example .env

The instructions on how to obtain some values are in the .env.example file.

  1. Run the Next.js dev server
npm run dev

This should run the dev server on port 3000

Note: A docker-compose.yml file has been included with containers to run a local Redis environment that mirrors how Vercel KV works. You should not need to use this in the normal course of development as TinaCMS spins up a local mock server during development.

Contributing Changes

Create your branch

Follow the conventions to name your branch, ex.

git checkout -b feature/name_of_feature

Add your changes, could be done using either one of the following (note: using git add . stages all changed files):

git add .
- OR -
git add {name_of_modified_file}

Commit your file changes

git commit -m "Commit message"

Push changes to repository

git push --set-upstream origin {branch_name}

Submit a pull request through GitHub. With an updated branch, going to the repository on github should prompt you with green 'Submit pull request' button at the top. Follow the steps and you're good!

Documentation links

For Testing Your Component