stevenwaterman / TCGS-Constitution

Trevelyan College Games Society constitution and secretary transparency things
MIT License
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TCGS Constitution

This repository contains the constituion for TCGS and all amendments and conversations surrounding it. You are encouraged to contribute!

Contributing to the Constitution

This may seem a bit daunting at first, but don't worry. This process is set out to make it extremely clear what is happenning and to maintain transparency for future and current members.

If you notice a problem with the constitution, or want to add something to it, click on the issues tab above and add a new issue. Include as much of the following as possible:

Discussion will then happen on the issue. You can talk to other members and debate the changes. Once sufficient discussion has happened, Steven will create a new branch for your change, edit the constitution, and create a pull request which references the issue. Debate on the actual wording of the change will happen on that pull request.

Once the wording has been agreed on, the change will be debated at the next general meeting. If it is accepted, the pull request will be accepted. Otherwise, it will stay open so that it can continue to be modified until it is accepted.

Again, the last bit seems pretty complex but is very simple when you see it in action. So go ahead and add an issue and get started!