stevenyvr987 / overdrive-evergreen-opac

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The source code for the project is written in Coffeescript.

The source needs to be completed by writing a file to define configuration parameters, primarily related to authentication. Use the template file '' by following its instructions.

The source also needs to be compiled into Javascript and minimized on a development machine before executable code can be deployed on a production server.

A. Prerequisites, development machine

  1. Install

  2. Install node packages

    sudo npm install --global coffee-script

    sudo npm install --global requirejs

B. Production Deployment

  1. Put yourself at top-level project directory.

  2. Compile source files from Coffeescript to Javascript

(long form)

coffee --compile --bare --output app src

(short form)

coffee -cb -o app src

  1. Minify Javascript files

    r.js -o build.js

  2. Deploy minified files to production server

    rsync -e 'ssh -l sitkastaff' -azv build/overdrive.js servername.domainname:/var/tmp

On production server:

sudo chown opensrf:opensrf /var/tmp/overdrive.js

sudo mv /var/tmp/overdrive.js /srv/openils/var/web/js/ui/default/opac

C. Configuration of Web Service

  1. Add the following script tag to /srv/openils/var/templates/opac/parts/js.tt2.

<script type="text/javascript" src="" data-main="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/opac/overdrive.js">

  1. Define the file /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy_http.conf, with the following contents.
SSLProxyEngine On ProxyPass /od/oauth ProxyPassReverse /od/oauth ProxyPass /od/oauth-patron ProxyPassReverse /od/oauth-patron ProxyPass /od/api ProxyPassReverse /od/api ProxyPass /od/api-patron ProxyPassReverse /od/api-patron ProxyPass /od/images ProxyPassReverse /od/images ProxyPass /od/fulfill ProxyPassReverse /od/fulfill
  1. Ensure that the proxy_http module is enabled.

cat /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy_http.load

LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

  1. Gracefully restart the Apache web service.

sudo service apache2 graceful

D. Web Browser

Reload the browser at http://libraryname.servername.domainname/eg/opac/home, to run the home page of the OPAC. Ensure that the browser's cache is disabled. By monitoring the network traffic, you should see new JS and CSS files load, in the following approximate sequence.

require.min.js overdrive.js jquery.min.js lodash.min.js cookies.min.js json3.min.js moment.min.js jquery-ui.min.js jquery-ui.min.css

E. Development Cycle

During development, you will cycle between compiling source files, deploying unminified files, and testing.

coffee -cbw -o app src &

rsync -e 'ssh -l sitkastaff' -azv app/ servername.domainname:/var/tmp/od

On servername.domainname machine, repeat for each js files:

sudo ln -s /var/tmp/od/overdrive.js /srv/openils/var/web/js/ui/default/opac