steverichey / DMLocalizer

A localization tool for Don't Move.
MIT License
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Hungarian Translation #16

Closed maxgraham closed 8 years ago

maxgraham commented 9 years ago

Okay, so we are not putting the person after the sentence every time, so like "a game by xy" we are saying "xy's game" usually.

xy will mean the unknown person/thing you will name.

A game by -> "xy játéka" Powered by -> "xy által készítve" (but would be better if i know what you want to say exactly) Press left or right to start -> "Nyomd meg a balra vagy jobbra gombot a kezdéshez" Release left and right -> "Engedd el a balrát vagy a jobbrát" to start -> "a kezdéshez" to erase -> "a törléshez" Touch left or right side to start -> "Érintsd meg a bal vagy jobb oldalt a kezdéshez" Release both sides -> "Engedd el mind a két oldalt" Fill bar to erase save data -> Sorry, but i don't know what you mean exactly and i don't want to say wrong thing. Erasing save data -> "Mentett adatok törlése" attempts -> "próbálkozások" distance -> "távolság" seconds -> "másodpercek" medals -> "medálok" levels -> "szintek" coins -> "érmék" trophies -> "trófeák" zenith -> "csúcspont" (but would be better if you can describe this exactly what you mean) zeniths -> "csúcspontok" the end -> "vége" trophy unlocked -> "trófea feloldva" paused -> "megállítva" time -> "idő" Hold left or right to restart -> "Tartsd a balrát vagy jobbrát az újrakezdéshez" Touch screen to restart -> "Érintsd meg a képernyőt az újrakezdéshez"

So i hope i could help you, please leave a reply what you want more, what is your problem, where you want to correct things, and i will help you.

And i want to say to the other Hungarians if they read this, correct me if i was wrong, it's not about me, it's about the game, and we want it to be the best :)

By the way i am so excited to get the game on Steam, and your game greenlit almost a year ago but nothing happened, and you just keep promising :(( I hope you didn't leave us alone.

steverichey commented 9 years ago

My game was greenlit in December, but I'm sorry for the delay. It should be available on Steam in April or early May. Thanks for the translation!

steverichey commented 8 years ago

Implemented in 0d7899f2. Missing images but those can wait for later.