steveshogren / overseer

An attendance tracking system
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link


Overseer is a clojure web application which runs on the Jetty server. The site uses postgres for persistence.


You will need to get lein 2 installed and running.

To ensure you have the correct version, run: lein --version and verify that it is greater than 2.0.


You will need a running postgres database on your system. Once that is complete, create a new database for overseer to use to run.


To run the site locally, you need to configure lein to pass the correct database connection settings to your running web site. To make this easier, lein allows for a file to be put in the same folder as the project.clj with machine-specific settings.

Make a file called profiles.clj in the base project directory. NEVER ADD IT TO GIT. Add in the following:

{:dev {:repl-options {:init-ns overseer.web}
       :plugins []
       :migratus {:store :database
                  :migration-dir "migrations"
                  :db {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver",
                       :subprotocol "postgresql",
                       :user "USER",
                       :password "PASSWORD",
                       :subname "//localhost:5432/DATABASE"}}
       :dependencies [[clj-webdriver "0.7.2"]
                      [org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient "4.3.5"]
                      [org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-java "2.48.1"]]
       :env {:database-url "postgres://USER:PASSWORD@localhost:5432/DATABASE"
             :adminpass "web"
             :userpass "web"
             :dev true
             :newdb false
             :migratedb false
             :notify false}}}

Replace the following words in your profiles.clj:

Keep in mind that the assumed port number (5432) in the two connection strings is the postgres default. If your postgres uses a different port, you will need to change that too.

When starting with a new database, or when you want to "reset" your current database, set the key :newdb to true before you start the application. That will cause the database to be recreated empty, then some sample data be put inside it. CAUTION: leaving it set to true will cause it to drop EVERY TIME. You might want it true for the first time, then immediately set it to false after the application starts.

If you want to apply a new migration to an existing database, set the key :migratedb to true.

The application also sets up five default users for local testing. They are "admin", "super", "admin2", "user", and "demo". They all have the password "web". Typically, you will use "super" for local testing.


You will need to install Node.js and npm. This project uses a package (npm-shrinkwrap) that is incompatible with npm version >= 3, so install a 4.x version of Node.js 4.x. Node.js version 6.x will not work.

Running Locally

$ git clone
$ cd overseer
$ npm install

To build the frontend and serve it while listening for changes, run make watch

To run the backend, run make start.

If both the frontend and backend are running, the app will be available at localhost:5000.


Exception and debugging logging can be added to the system via the in the src/ directory.

An example that logs all INFO messages to a file but only WARN to the console would look like this:

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1, CA

log4j.appender.CA.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
log4j.appender.CA.Threshold = WARN

log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p%c - %m%n

License: GPL-3.0+