stevesoltys / telegram-irc

A bridge between Telegram and IRC.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link
bridge gateway irc relay telegram


Build Status

A bridge between Telegram and IRC.



Quick Start

  1. Download the latest release from the release page.
  2. Unzip the release and run ./gradlew build
  3. Copy the built application JAR to the installation path of your choosing: cp build/libs/telegram-irc-0.2.0.jar ./telegram-irc.jar
  4. Copy the example YAML configuration file: cp deploy/config.example.yml ./config.yml
  5. Create your Telegram bot and edit the default configuration using the configuration guide: $EDITOR config.yml.
  6. Start the application: java -jar telegram-irc.jar --spring.config.location=config.yml

For a more detailed installation guide, see this page.


This application is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.