stevieb9 / berrybrew

Perlbrew for Windows!
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The perlbrew for Windows Strawberry Perl!

Click here to download the installer

For a quick-start, jump to the Install and Commands sections.

berrybrew can download, install, remove and manage multiple concurrent versions of Strawberry Perl for Windows. There is no requirement to have Strawberry Perl installed before using berrybrew.

Use the bb command as a short hand name for berrybrew.

There is extensive documentation available for the berrybrew application, as well as the Berrybrew API.

See Other Documentation for the full list of documentation.

Table of Contents


Self-installing executable

The easiest and most straight forward method.

berrybrewInstaller.exe SHA1: 5917766c003525f736a5cf409e1c4d0fd4cb345f

Git clone
git clone
cd berrybrew
bin\berrybrew.exe config
Pre-built zip archive SHA1: fdf4cf104cff8d6513d0511f383c034d203c1022

After extraction:

cd berrybrew
bin\berrybrew.exe config

Compile your own

You can also Compile your own installation.


If you used the self-extracting installer, simply run the uninstaller from either Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel, or the uninst.exe uninstaller program located in the installation directory.

If you installed via any other method:

First, run the berrybrew associate unset if you're managing the .pl file association with berrybrew.

Then, run the berrybrew unconfig command which removes the PATH environment variables for any in-use Perl installation, and then removes berrybrew from the PATH as well.

If you wish to delete the actual installation:


See the Configuration document, and the options command in the berrybrew documentation.

Several of the modifiable options are configurable through the UI.


See the berrybrew documentation for a full explanation of all of the following commands.

For all commands that require the name of a Perl (eg: install), we will default to 64-bit (ie. _64) if this suffix is omitted.

berrybrew <command> [subcommand] [option]

associate *    View and set Perl file association
available *    List available Strawberry Perl versions and which are installed
list           List installed Strawberry Perl versions
clean *        Remove all temporary berrybrew files
clone          Make a complete copy of a Perl installation
config         Add berrybrew to your PATH
exec *         Run a command for every installed Strawberry Perl
fetch          Update the list of Strawberry Perl instances available
hidden         Display the list of hidden/development commands
install        Download, extract and install a Strawberry Perl
modules *      Export and import a module list from one Perl to install on another
options *      Display or set a single option, or display all of them with values
off            Disable berrybrew perls (use 'switch' to re-enable)
register       Manually register a custom installation directory
remove         Uninstall a Strawberry Perl
snapshot *     Export and import snapshots of Perl instances
switch *       Switch to use a different Strawberry Perl
unconfig       Remove berrybrew from PATH
use *          Use a specific Strawberry Perl version temporarily
virtual        Allow berrybrew to manage an external Perl instance
help           Display this help screen
license        Show berrybrew license
version        Displays the version

* - view subcommand details with 'berrybrew <command> help'


See the berrybrew document for usage examples.


Using the installer is the best and safest way to upgrade your berrybrew. You can stop reading here if you use the installer to install berrybrew.

Doing a straight git pull will overwrite your configuration files, so back them up first (see Caveats).

Update Perls Available

Use the Fetch button in the UI, or, at the command line, use berrybrew fetch to retrieve the most recent availability list from Strawberry Perl. If any new or changed versions are found, we'll update the local perls.json file with them.

Configure Root Directory

If using the installer to install from, you'll have the opportunity to configure this option during install, and nothing further is required.

Otherwise, follow these directions:

By default, we manage Perls out of the C:\berrybrew directory. To change this, modify the root_dir value in the data\config.json file. Use double-backslashes (\\) as the path separators.

WARNING: At this time, it is highly advised not to change this after you've already installed any instances of Perl. This feature is incomplete, and PATH and other things don't get properly reset yet. If you choose to ignore this, follow this procedure:



If you run into trouble installing a Perl, try clearing the berrybrew cached downloads by running berrybrew clean.

You can also enable debugging to get more verbose output on the command line:

berrybrew debug <command> [options] 

Development, Build, Test and Release

Contains all information relating to the development, build, test and release cycle of the berrybrew ecosystem.

See the Berrybrew Development, Build, Test and Release document.

Other Documentation

Hidden Commands

Please see the hidden commands in the berrybrew document.

You can also get a list of them by running the hidden berrybrew hidden command.


Developed Using

Software Description Notes
Jetbrains Rider .Net IDE Thanks to their Open Source Licensing
Jetbrains intelliJ IDEA IDE for Perl coding Freely available, also comes with the open source license
Camelcade Perl5 Plugin Perl5 Plugin for intelliJ IDEA
Devel::Camelcadedb Adds Perl5 debug support for intelliJ IDEA
Mono Open Source .Net Framework
Mono C# Compiler C# Open Source C# Compiler


2 Clause FreeBSD - see LICENSE.

Original Author

David Farrell

Current Author

Steve Bertrand steveb<>

See Also

