sthgrau / greasonable

greasemonkey script for
0 stars 0 forks source link

Support channel occasionally populated:

Based on .. Thanks Bakkot!

Originally developed in chrome with tampermonkey.. Also tested with pale moon with greasemonkey..


Using the below method (vs method posted 2/28/2015 in comments) will allow greasemonkey to update for you

Firefox install:


Chrome install:


Downgrade instructions:

Should there be a problem with a new version, you can go back to any version in the repository.

I'll try to come up with a better solution for this

How to use:

New comments are bounded by an orange box and are also listed in a floating box in the top right (click [+] to expand)

Comments can be jumped to from the floating box, most reliably by clicking on the date, clicking on hyperlinked names go to the original hyperlink dstination)

Replies to the current user will be highlighed by green instead, and the time marked green in the floating box.. This is a little problematic to start since the login box is not reliably available at the start. Therefore, I am setting it in localStorage, so the first time, it may not work..

The "<<" and ">>" go backwards and forwards in time with regard to times loaded with new comments. In case you need to restart, or the browser crashes, etc..

If you click the 'Hide thread' link at the bottom of a comment, it hides that comment plus any responses.

To change the filter list, click '[filters]' at the bottom right. Enter/remove each filter one per line and click '[submit]' . There is a tab-like interface. The first tab is for filtering users (as show in hover text). The second tab is for content filtering (also has hover text). The third tab is for miscellaneous stuff: You can turn on and off inline youtube display and the filtering.. When you hit submit, it will show/hide youtube and show/hide filtered comments immediately. You can also choose to override the fonts for both the stories and the comments. Enabling/disabling takes effect immediately. You can now cancel as well if you screw something up..

This option Box is also now available on the front page, where some of the new modifications also are put into place